Chapter 7

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In that tender moment, seeing Rohan standing there was more than just a surprise; it was a rush of emotions that overwhelmed everyone, filling the air with profound happiness.

Tanya: Rohan!

Rohan (with a gentle smile): Hello, Tanya. Hey, Sudo Jeet.

Jeet: Oh, hey, Rohan. Just a sec... let me find a chair... shit.

Rohan: How are you, Jeet?

Jeet: Doing alright...

Rohan: Come here, let's have a hug.

Shruti: Hey, Rohan.

Rohan: Shruti, You're looking just like a girl...

Shruti: The effect of motherhood. Even you've achieved something in life...

Rohan: Effect of leaving my father...

Shanaya: Hey.

Rohan: Hey, Shanaya. How have you been?

Shanaya: Happily married.

Rohan (chuckles): That's wonderful. How about the doctor's updates?

Coach Shah: Rohan Nanda.

Rohan: Coach.

Coach Shah: Seems like a rockstar now. Good to see you. Come...

Dimpy: How's everything, bro?

Rohan: I'm good. And you?

Dimpy: Things are going well.

Coach and Dimpy led Rohan inside to meet the Dean, while the others headed to the park outside the hospital. There, Tanya reminded Shruti how she used to dislike Rohan completely.

Shruti: I couldn't stand Rohan because of Shanaya...

Shruti: You know, I couldn't stand Rohan back then, especially because of Shanaya...

Shanaya (laughing): Oh, absolutely.

Shruti: And, honestly, Rohan wasn't the most serious boyfriend...

Tanya: Yeah, I can totally see that.

Shruti: I was actually considering someone else for Shanaya... And that day, I discovered...

In Past

After returning from Thailand, Abhi was unusually quiet. He hardly spoke a word. The lively chatter of his college friends seemed distant,  his heart's heavy beats resounded louder than anything else. When he reached home, Upon reaching home, it didn't take his grandmother long to sense his inner turmoil. Her wise eyes, etched with years of love, saw right through him.

When she tried to inquire, Abhi didn't directly reveal his feelings. He knew that his grandmother loved him dearly, but he also feared whether she could understand that he had fallen in love with another guy. His unspoken truth lay heavy on his chest, stifling the words he longed to say. As he sat beside her, his gaze lingered on her delicate hands that had comforted him since childhood, wondering if they could hold the weight of his confession.

Abhi had a habit of keeping his little things hidden from others, a defense mechanism he had honed over the years. Sharing that he was gay wasn't easy for him either, especially because he feared that if his grandmother found out, she might left him. The thought of losing his grandmother's unwavering love was a fear he couldn't easily dismiss.

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