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'...' means thinking

'Oh come on.. why do I need to be locked in a house with him?' : Izuku 

'After we ate, auntie led us to her car and drove us I think to where the house she was talking about': Izuku

Auntie.. where are we going? : Izuku

I thought you should know already: mitsuki

'Oh so we are going to the house'.. ok : Izuku

Izuku.. I don't know how and why you did all that stuff to Katsuki but.. I'm very disappointed in you: inko

Yeah, I know mom.. I'm sorry: Izuku

As mitsuki was driving, the car was filled with silence.

'When we arrived, the house looked pretty plain and mitsuki grabbed out a pair of keys and unlocked the door, when I walked in the first thing I saw was katsuki laying on the ground sleeping': Izuku

Mitsuki bent down and shook katsuki gently because she didn't want to hurt katsuki more than he is already now

Hunny, wake up: mitsuki

Hmm.. no.. want to sleep more.. haven't slept like this in a long time..: katsuki

Katsuki hunny, come on, this is important: mitsuki

Fine..: katsuki

As soon as he got up, he saw the view of someone particularly familiar..

When he got his view better, he saw.. the only.. izuku

Wha... what I-is h-he doing h-here?: katsuki

He tried backing up but somehow it was no use. The wall is already touching his back to he can't back up or hide as he was surrounded.

Katsuki, I want to explain to you that you will be staying in this house with Izuku until you two are back together as best friends when you were at childhood: mitsuki

Aw... come on.. just let me sleep..: katsuki

Alright! We will be going! Have fun you two!: mitsuki

As soon as she closed and locked the door, Izuku started to walk towards the scared and helpless katsuki

W-what are y-you going to d-do to m-me..?: katsuki


After all this time we spent, I.. still love you 【dekubaku】Where stories live. Discover now