Chapter 4.

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It's been two months since we've gotten back to Forks and two months since Alec has joined our coven. Me and him have been doing amazing, we got together two weeks after he joined us. My family loves Alec and Alec loves them.

Emmett and Jasper have taught Alec how to play games on the PlayStation and Alec always ends up beating them.

Edward and Alec tend to play piano and guitar together, I was in awe when I learn Alec play's the guitar.

Alice helped Alec get a new wardrobe and anything that had to do with the Volturi gone just like his necklace.

Rosalie is still iffy on Alec but she's slowly coming around.

Carlisle and Esme consider him another son. Carlisle even started teaching Alec about Doctor stuff and taking him to the hospital with him. Alec has amazing self control.

Jane, Demetri and Felix have came by the house a few times, trying to convince Alec to come back to the Volturi but Alec won't budge. Last time he even told them that we're his family now, not them. I could tell Jane was hurt by the way her voice broke but she lashed out and used her gift on Alec making me rush outside, shielding him resulting in Jane glaring at me. Alec glared at her and yelled at her for using her gift on him, a lot of hurtful things were said to Jane and I could tell she was deeply hurt by it but I can't blame Alec. I knew they promised to never use their gifts on each other and Jane broke that promise. It's been weeks since they have came back and I have a feeling that they won't be coming back unless they really need too.

Edward was currently out with Bella. The rest of the family was out hunting and me and Alec were in our room.

"Have I have told you how beautiful you are?" Alec asked, making me look up from my book I was reading to see him getting up from my desk chair he was sitting on, walking towards me. I smiled and shut my book, putting it on my nightstand.

"Yes, everyday. And have I ever told you how handsome you are?" I asked as he now stood in front of me, in between my legs.

"Yes you have, everyday." Alec said with a big smile as he leaded down to kiss me. I happily kissed back.

Alec pushed me down on my bed, kissing down to my neck.

"Alec." I breathed. He growled.

"Yes my love?" Alec mumbled, kissing further down my neck and onto my collarbone. I growled and flipped us over, straddling him. He groaned in frustration.

"Is that how you wanna play?" I asked him teasingly, raising a brow.

"Yes." Alec growled and I smiled, kissing his jaw onto his neck.

It was a little while later and me and Alec were laying in bed, sheets covering us. All the sudden my door opened, Emmett walking in. He stopped dead in his tracks, busting out laughing.

"You guys fucked!" Emmett roared with laughter. I growled, hold the sheet to me. I reached down and grabbed the heels I was wearing.

"Emmett get the fuck out of here!" I yelled throwing my shoes at him. He just stood there laughing his ass off.

I glared at him. "Pain." I mumbled. Emmett fell to his knees in pain instantly. I stopped my pain illusion and Emmett stood up.

"I warned you Em." I told him, glaring.

"Sorry Ma'am!" Emmett mumbled and sped out of my room.

I sighed getting up and speed to my walk in closet. I got dressed and walked out.

"Hey, I don't remember telling to to get dressed." Alec said with a smirk.

I smiled at him. "Babe, get up and get dressed." Alec grumbled and got up. The rest of the day we spent hanging out with my family until I got a vision of Bella going to La push. I came back to reality and growled. Everyone looked at me confused.

"Oh hell no she doesn't." I said quickly standing up, going to Bella's. I messed with her truck a little bit before she came out.

Bella tried to crank her truck over but it wouldn't start. She looked very confused and I got in her truck making her jump.

"Braelynn you scared me." Bella told me. I nodded.

"You're going down to the reservation." I stated bluntly.

"How did you..." Bella started but I tapped my head. She sighed, shaking her head.

"Hey, did you do this to my truck?" Bella asked in disbelief, looking at me.

"Bells, you have to understand. Your safety is everything to Edward and our whole family. I saw what would happen if you went down there Bella. Jacob is still very very upset and you going down there wouldn't of ended good." I told her. She shook her head.

"Jacob's not gonna hurt me." Bella said.

"Bella not intentionally, but the wolves have no control sometimes trust me I'm one of them, especially when I was human." I told her calmly. Bella usually listens to me what the hell!

"Brealynn, I have until graduation to see him. And then I'll be one of you and he'll hate me forever." Bella told me softly.

"Bella, I get that. But I'm telling you to be careful and not go tonight, any other day perfect. If you want take me with you, I'm allowed on the reservation. I'll always come with you. Let Jacob be pissed off for another night." I told her.

She sighed. "Okay I'll wait another day or couple of days. Does Edward know that I was planning on going to reservation?" Bella asked. I shook my head.

"No he doesn't, I blocked him from seeing my vision. After I got it, I came here quickly." I said to her. "He's probably gonna be pissed though." I laughed.

"Yeah probably." Bella smiled.

"It's late Bella, go inside and go to bed. I'll fix your truck." I told her with a small smile. She nodded and hugged me before getting out of the truck and walking inside.

I fixed her truck and then went home.

"Why did you leave so suddenly?" Edward asked me as soon as I got in the living room. I opened up my mind. He growled and went to leave. I stood in front of him.

"Move Braelynn!" Edward said sternly.

"Edward no. I didn't show you that so you could go give her a lecture. I already talked to her, I knew if you saw before me, you would have flipped out. I'll let you go but she's going to bed. Let her sleep Eddie." I told him, giving him a stern look.

Edward nodded and sped out of the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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