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The next day...

The school was filled with busy soldiers and students who were excited to see where the next four days would take the. Students flooded into the school and it seems to be that everyone's parents had signed the form.  Ms. Park's class was messing around doing whatever Deok-Jeong was talking with Chiyeol, Il-Ha was making Young-Soo feed him, the girls were all huddled up and Tae-Man seemed to be building something out of chewing gum.  Conversations were everywhere.

"Ha-na why did you pack two suitcases?" Bo-Ra asks her best friend Ha-na glares at her, "Hey! I only brought half of what I needed, you should be proud of me." She smiles proudly at herself as Bo-ra shakes her head in disbelief.' this girl will be the death of me' she thought to herself.

"Tae-man did you buy all the gums at the store?"Su-cheol asks with a smirk forming on his face, "Yes, my post-meal dessert. To freshen my palate..." He answered focused on building his tower of gums. The people in front of him sigh heavily. He looks up at them thinking they want gums. "Do you want some?" Tae-man our cute clueless idiot asks them. They snatch it and yell, "Yah! Just brush your teeth." as they throw the gums back knocking his tower over. "You're disgusting! Go away, so gross!" They say to each other. Tae-man earned a slap to the back of his head from Su-cheol.

Meanwhile, Chi-yeol was happy that Young-hoon came, but he was also waiting for others to show up.,"Why are you acting so restless?"Deok-Jeong asked.,"It's nothing don't worry." When the new girl came he smile happy to see another person but his friend took it differently.,"You like her don't you?" Deok-Jeong said loudly making Il-Ha turns his head a bit but wasn't noticed.,"No, I don't she's just a friend. Besides I don't like-" Chi-yeol said quietly stopping his sentence from getting cut off by Deok-Jeong. deok-Jeong chuckled, "You know what I don't believe you but I won't take that answer, Na-ra-!"  he said but was silenced by Kim-chi."Shush, I already said I don't. stop it." Kim-chi states as Ms. Park walks in with a soldier.

"Class is starting to get to your seats! Kwon Il-Ha!" Ms. Park says raising her voice just enough as her students go to their respective seats, "We have someone important for you to meet. Please be respectful." Ms. Park nods at the soldier signaling him to speak.  "Salute, I am Lieutenant Lee Chun-ho your platoon commander. Nice to meet you, I will be in charge of class  3-2" As he introduced himself you could feel Soyeon stare at him.

"He will now explain your training information." Ms. Park smiled but frowned as Il-ha and Hee-rak joked around.

"You are now Sung-jin Highschool platoon two, you are not just students anymore. You will continue your regular classes but afterward, you will go through tough military training" Lieutenant Lee stated   "After school?" everyone was confused at that point because how would they fit military with their classes? "If there is a special schedule. Training will take priority, the class president?" He asked and Yu-Jeong stood up, "Yes?" she asked, "You are now Senior Private," "What's that," everyone thought as Mr. Lee continued." I'll now select a Recording Officer, they will be in charge of sending and recording videos to go to your family. Any volunteers?" he asks but everyone averts their eyes, "Then I'll pick one-" 

Ms. Park cuts him off, "I think you should do it Young-Hoonah. You'll learn more that way, right?" She suggests knowing that Young-hoon loves learning new things so It should be fun for him Kim-chi also thought the same. Although, she and Chi-yeol were both shocked that he rejected it."Ms. Park, what would I learn from recording others? I like to learn new things, not things I already know how to do." Il-Ha scoffs at his attitude, "Jang Young-Hoon just do it. It's not the end of the world." Il-Ha says with a warning tone, but he rejected again."Sorry, but I can't." 

                     Lieutenant Lee breathed deeply looking at the three in the corner and settling his eyes on Chi-yeol. "How about you." Lee said to him Kim-chi but he didn't know it was him, "It's you, idiot!" Woo-taek explained to him and everyone help in their laughter. "Me?" he asks and they finally laugh, "Yes, you are now the Recording Officer. Any objections?" Lt. Lee asked Kim-chi slowly thinking, "Well...No." he says and everyone laughs. "Great. Both of you get three extra points" Everyone else stirred in disbelief as they were released from class. It was shocking the amount of points they got for just agreeing to go with their positions.

The guy's and girl's places:

                   Kim-chi felt bad as if he had stolen something from someone else. He couldn't feel better unless he did something as they walked to their sleeping quarters. A guy who said his name was Kim Won-Bin was there waiting for them. Il-Ha stared him up and down until he walked over to his spot the others were more respectful than him though as they got there. "Hey, we're next to each other!" Deok-Jeong exclaimed happily unpacking next to his best friend. When Lt. Lee walked in they started to act a fool and goof around mostly led by Il-Ha. Lee got angry and thought to himself,' You know what I'm not gonna deal with this' "Unpack quickly and meet us in the field to receive your firearm in thirty minutes." Lt. Lee told the guys sternly walking out of the door.  The guys stayed quiet until they left and then Tae-man proceeded to make fun of their odd platoon commander. , "iN tHee NezXt tHiRtY MInuEnts" He nagged as they got unpacked. Il-Ha stole a glance at Il-Ha

               Everyone messed around doing their makeup and eating snacks. Bo-Ra was drawing her comic as her friends were taking selfies of themselves.  On a bed in the corner Ae-Sol, Na-Ra, and  Yu-Jeong were playing a traditional card game. "What is this card?"Na-Ra asked,"Thats xxxxx. It goes with this." Ae-sol said helping her only to find out Na-Ra was tricking her."Cheater. You already know it." Yu-Jeong looks at her friend in disbelief. By the table, Ha-Na asks her friends an important question, "Hey what ate personal firearms?" Bo-Ra looks at her, "Guns, I think." they went back to goofing around when their supervisor walked into their room. , "Attention. Attention!" she yelled at them in a serious tone.,"What is all this? Do you think this is a camping trip? Submit all unnecessary items to the front row. Curling irons, makeup, toys, foundation, what a scented candle. Cigarettes seriously?! Now hurry" She yelled and turned to look at the tree playing cards, "Hey. Get moving at once!" she warned as the covered it up escaping her wrath as the others ran around.


"That moment I just knew, this is wrong!" So-Yoon shouted at the camera, "We can take back our agreement right?" Jun-Hee said but was rejected."Augh!"


Kim Chi-Yeol

"We will give out firearms now so be attentive!" our Lt. Lee said and I took it as an opportunity to converse with Young-Hoon. I miss being on good terms and I like him so I want to do something about it. I turned around and looked at Young-Hoon with hopes of becoming friends again.

" Young-hoonna I've been thinking and I don't need extra points because I probably won't get into an ivy league college but I think you do, so do you maybe want to take my place?"

He looked at me thankful but reluctant at the same time and I got worried as to what his answer might be.

"Gosh, Chi-yeol thank you but-" Young-Hoon began but was cut off by none other than...


2 minutes before*
I stood in line about foive people behind the boy who makes feel odd and the guy I hate.

I tried my best not to pay attention to their conversation but was all I could hear. It took over my mind.

When I heard Kim-chi asked him of he wanted I was over it. I didn't even let Young-Hoon answer before interrupting them.

"Hey, Kim-chi! The Commander told you to do it! Just do it and stop offering him!"
I scolded him and made him move up in line ,"Yeah, ok." Kim-chi laughs nervously.

I scoff and then glare at Young-Hoon. I'm pretty sure he got the message to stay away from Kim-chi. If he didn't I'll deal with it later on.

I'm pretty sure all he wants is to use Kim-chi and then abandon him. He's smart but I can't stand how he acts like he's the perfect boy. Everyone knows he isn't

Hate:Love:Protect: Duty After School BLWhere stories live. Discover now