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Kim Chi-Yeol-

About a week earlier(I think)-

           As I took the SCAT I looked out the window. It was so intense in the classroom because almost everyone was focused solely on the test or just sleeping and I needed fresh air. The spheres in the sky have always fascinated me. I don't know why they appeared all of a sudden about a year ago but I want to learn more about them. Everyone has their theories though so we never know. 

       "Ok, Hand in your papers and you may leave." the teacher told us. As I handed my paper in I could feel someone glaring at me but I just brushed it off and started walking out of school. I jumped a bit when someone grabbed my shoulder but then I realized it was just Deok-Jeong and he was smiling. "Chi-Yeol," he laughed, "I was right. Tae-Man says that minus 1 is the answer to question 1." I was confused because I got a different answer, "Wait, I heard it was 144..." I told him. "Huh? Says who?" he disagreed. I rolled my eyes at him and sighed, "Everyone!" He pouted and sighed, "I almost had it." I shook my head, "You're such a clown." I looked down at my phone and the video of the sphere theories as we walked.

               We continued talking until we came up with the idea of going to the internet cafe to celebrate our hard work. As we got to the entrance I saw my neighbor Younghoon, who I used to talk to a lot but now I can't talk to him at school. A guy who likes to bully me a lot, Il-Ha said that if anyone talks to him in school they would be outcast as well. Younghoon looked busy scrolling through his phone but I wanted to invite him to go out with us to celebrate so I went over to him.

               "Younghoon-ah, how did you do on the exam?" I asked him wanting to make conversation but he just looked at me turned his head and got on the bus. For some reason, I felt really sad. It hurt me, yes, but I couldn't blame him. I hadn't talked to him in years.
After that me and Duk-Jeong walked to the internet cafe and was about to start playing when we noticed a familiar face and it was Younghoon. We tried to talk with him and help him out I couldn't help but notice he was irritated by us as he lost his game and left the cafe. Me and I played for a bit but went home later on. As I walked home I couldn't help but feel guilty for not standing up for him.

Present Day-

Everyone's POV-

                 Tae-man walked up to Young-Shin and put him in a headlock. Young-shin could barely breathe because Tae-Man was really stinking more today than usual, "Hey, stop it. Take a shower will you?" Hyeong-shin walked into class trying to forget the stench. Tae-man jumped him again but he pushed him away making him hit the chalkboard where Yu-Jeong was writing the schedule. "Good morning class president." He said patting her on the back. Everyone knew he liked her by all the failed attempts he had had trying to flirt with her. It the corner of the class Ae-Sol got a call from Bo-Ra to bring her her charger ASAP. She looked through  Bo-Ra's bag until she found it and hurriedly ran to the rooftop as Jang-Soo watched her run out of the classroom.
Youngsoo was trying to copy Young-Hoon all the time to impress Soon-Yi. He knew she was close with Heerak but he still wanted to try.

Suddenly the room started to stink really bad," Ugh what is that smell!" everyone yelled running to the window."Wang Tae-Man!" Yeong=Shin yelled trying to catch his breath sticking his head out the window."Geez! God, when will it end?!" the whole class complained,"Wow, that's a strong one.." Deok-Jeong said squeezing a spot in the open window. Meanwhile, Hee-Rak and       Il-Ha were driving on a motorcycle to school. Il-Ha looked up at his classmates and asked, "What are all of you doing," Yeong-Shin answered, "Getting away from the idiot Tae-Man!" Il-Ha and Hee-Rak shook their heads, "Again, Oh, my god, sucks for you I guess." "Kwon Il-Ha,  can a high school student drive a motorcycle?" Yeon-Joo asks. He smirks, "Nope" Suddenly Hee-Rak shakes him, "Come on go he's coming! Go go go!" they drive off and escape the teacher whose wig falls off in the process of chasing them and the whole class laughs. Jang-soo risks going inside to check if it is gone and if the smell is definitely gone.

On the rooftop with Il-Ha, Hee-Rak, Bo-Ra, and Ha-Na + Ae-sol-

Il-Ha and Hee-rak come through the door and Bo-Ra stands up and taps Il-Ha on the shoulder aggressively. And Bo-Ra kept trying to find cigarettes "Come on I need one give it to me already!" Ha-Na points at Hee-Rak and goes after him. "Wait! Wait!" He says pulling out his cigarette case."I have two with me" Bo-Ra bows holding out her hands for the cigarette but the boys trick her and blow the cigarette smoke in her face. "Ugh, anyway what's taking her so long-" Bo-Ra says as Ae-Sol walks through the door."Here Bo-Ra your charger..." She says as Bo-Ra snatches the charger. Ae-sol was so excited waiting to see if Bo-ra would thank her but she didn't and instead shooed her away and Ae-sol walked out the door and down the stairs again. "Bo-Ra you have to stop being so mean to her." The guys say and Ha-Na sighs feeling bad for Ae-Sol. Bo-ra glares and looks Il-Ha up and down."You're one to talk to. You are mean to everyone and made someone an outcast for no reason. You bully Kim-chi  a lot and act like you're better than everyone so shut up" She roasts him as they walk to class, "Wow, that offended me." Il-Ha said acting hurt but deep down he knew she was right. They got to class at the exact time that the bell rang and Ms. Park walked into class.

Sorry the way I write may be a bit confusing but thank you for reading : )

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