Female OC - XI (Call of Duty)

14 0 1

Iris Watkins






Face Claim:

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Height: 5'6

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145 lbs

Burn Scar on her left shoulder
Bullet wound scar on her upper thigh


Modern Warfare

Combat Medic

She has a battle-hardened exterior with a compassionate interior. Combined with her battle hardened exterior, she has an unwavering determination to avenge her fallen comrades and to fulfill justice. A quick thinker, she can adapt to unforseen circumstances and has a resourcefulness that has kept her alive through countless missions. To new people, she can be distant and closed off but once she starts to warm up to them, she can become a very trustworthy and loyal friend. On the battlefield, she is very empathetic which makes her a very skilled healer and operative.

Starlit Nights
Rainy Days
Helping Others

Senseless Violence
Neglecting Morality

Iris grew up in a small, suburban neighborhood with her single mother at home. Her mom was always working which caused Iris to learn how to be independent at an early age. However, her relationship with her mother was a strong one and one that rarely faltered. As a child, she had an affinity for caring and helping people and animals alike. At school, she was an outcast with very little friends and as a result she found a passion with reading books. While she was lonely, this proceeded to help her as it molded her into a quiet observer that sharpened her analyzing skills.

Straight out of high school, she joined the US Army as a combat medic. Once basic training was done, she went on various tours but there was one mission that would change her life forever. She was deployed on an extraction mission to rescue civilians caught between the crossfire of a deadly civil war. The mission escalated into chaos when her unit found themselves facing unforseen resistance from enemy forces. Iris and her team fought bravely but communication broke down between her unit and higher command, leaving them isolated in hostile territory. Iris and her team were in a fight for survival when a rocket exploded next to Iris, engulfing her left side in flames. While a fellow soldier worked on snuffing out the fire, the grim reality of the situation set in. They were left alone and abandoned, left to fend for themselves in hostile territory. As the fierce fighting continued, she took a bullet to the thigh and although she was able to make it out of there alive, over two-thirds of her team were killed in battle. She not only left the battle with physical scars but emotional ones as well, the sting of betrayal from those who were supposed to have to her back, still fresh in her mind. 

The mission was a pivotal one for Iris, turning her away from the US Army and sparking her journey towards Kortac. She was set on a path of redemption and justice for her fallen comrades.

Iris has a fear of not being able to protect the people she cares about. Likewise, she also has a fear of betrayal and losing control which comes from that pivotal mission which disillusioned her from the US Army.

AS Val

Primary: AS Val

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Striker 45

Secondary: Striker 45

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Sidearm: M19

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