"Where could she be?" Tzuyu checked on his wristwatch for the 5th time, getting quite impatient, "I should've gotten her number so that I could contact her at times like this."

His phone vibrated from his pocket. He fished it up and looked at the notification that popped up on the screen. It was a text message from his mom.

"We'll be attending a family gathering by tonight. Please come home by 4:30pm, sweetie. Love you!"

Tzuyu sighed as he reads the message he received.

"Great." He thought, "Another moment with the family, pestering me about being the heir of the Chou's."

The Taiwanese had always thought to himself, but does he have to be born in a wealthy family with a protected reputation? He wouldn't have to carry this burden if he wasn't.

He put his phone back on his pocket and took a deep breath, trying to calm his self down from all the stress.

"Looks like I wouldn't be able to practice later on. Please hurry up, sunbae..."

Right on cue, Tzuyu had finally caught on Momo's figure running from a distance. Once the latter came close to him, he crossed his arms and tapped his feet on the ground.

"About time you showed up." The tall guy muttered with an ounce of sarcasm in his voice, clearly annoyed by how the girl stood up so late.

"Sorry, our teacher took a bit of time before dismissing us. Plus, I was the last one to finish our activity so..."

Tzuyu cut her off, disinterested for what she has to say, "I'm not surprised. Let's make this quick."

The tall guy entered the library, not wanting to waste a single time, which wasn't go unnoticed by Momo, who immediately followed him inside.

The two sat down by the corner with Momo placing down her textbooks at the table.

"Hey... I'm sorry if I wasn't able to arrive at the time we've agreed on. I know you're upset. I'll make it up to you, I promise." The Japanese girl assured.

The younger couldn't look at her in the eye. It wasn't because of her standing up late that made him upset. It was the fact that he had to go on another family gathering. But his annoyance risen up because of the former.

"No worries. Let's hurry up. I need to attend a family gathering tonight so I need to go home early." Tzuyu sighed for the 3rd time today, flipping the textbooks open to start their lesson.


An hour and a half later of their tutoring session, the two had finally made progress of the lessons they were reviewing for the older's next discussion in class.

Tzuyu had prepared 10 questions about the subject, communication, for Momo to answer as an exercise.

"Last question. If there's less commonality, there is a possibility that both will experience difficulty in communication. In which type of model does this description lands on?"

"Shannon and Weaver?"

"Guess again."



Momo let out a sigh of relief as they're finally done with their tutoring session. She could already feel her stomach grumbling out of hunger.

"That'll be the last for today. Good job." Tzuyu let out a blunt compliment, in which Momo still appreciated.

"Finally... I'm getting famished. I'm already looking forward for dinner."

A sudden realization hit Tzuyu at the mention of the word 'dinner'. "Wait- what time is it?"

"5pm. Why?"

The younger felt her world crush at the time. Momo was taken aback when he suddenly stood up from his seat and cursed underneath his breath, "Shit-!"

"Tzuyu-ah? What's wrong?"

"I-I gotta go-! I'm-"

A buzz came from his pocket once again. Despite being afraid to see the message he received, he still took it out to read it.

And just as he thought, he received the worst from his dad 15 minutes ago already.

"We're already at the diner we've put a reservation on yet you didn't show up. Our family's looking for you. I'm so disappointed in you, young man."


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