013- i just wanna go home.

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         Detroit, Michigan

𝙽𝚘𝚠 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 : Sandy- Alex G
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
"Sometimes I hate you but right now,I just wanna go home."


Y'know they always say that father figure is gonna be a big part of your life. He's gonna be your superhero. He's gonna help you grow up to be tough and have a tough heart. That's gonna be the first man you ever love.

But you were the first man I think I've ever hated.

Your father use to be sweet, kind, he really was your superhero.You don't really know what went wrong.

Him and your mom started to argue a lot and he would drink a lot when he came home from work.

When he didn't drink he would be more decent of a human being I guess. He'd ask how school was or did you have a lot new friends.

But that was the old him. He didn't act like that anymore. Of course that was all before the divorce.

When mom and dad were in the middle of going through a divorce he would got more violent, he didn't ask you about school or your friends.

He'd ask if was was talking to a new guy or how you didn't do anything around the house.

You were sitting on the couch trying to drown out the arguing of your parents with the tv that was playing, you could barely hear it though.

"God, your so damn useless m/n!" Dad yelled.

"Your setting such a bad example for our child!" Mom said.

They just went back and for back and forth it wouldn't stop for hours.

Eventually mom kicked him out and dad found a small apartment a couple blocks away. Every other weekend you'd stay with him since after all that was still your dad.

When you would stay with your dad it would mostly be silence between you both for the weekend. The only thing you both would utter to say is a quick morning or dinners ready.

At night you would lay on your back staring at the ceiling lost in your thoughts.

Your dad would be on the couch watching one of those old shows with a beer in his hand.

You didn't have a lot of friends here in Detroit so you wouldn't hang out with anyone or be on the phone.

Most of the time you would go to a park and sit on the swings watching the other kids play together or maybe sometimes you would go to a cafe and eat a small cake slice your waiter would always think you were waiting for someone but it would always just be you.

The only real "friend" you had was your mom. She would always listen to your little rants and such or when she had off days you both would do fun things like go to the mall or out to eat.

It's not like you were depressed or anything because you were happy at times, but when you were by yourself it's like you never had a good moment.

Being a child of divorce parents was hard. Sometimes it was like the parents wanted you to choose a favorite.

Overtime you really didn't like staying with your dad. He would always yell at you and slap and throw things.

"I told you to clean this house y/n!"

"Why are you always stuck in that damn room?!"

"Your so ungrateful you little brat!"

You grew to dislike him more and more until you just could handle it.

Sometimes you really just hated him but you knew you couldn't always hate him because he was still your dad.

He'd act the way he did around your mom when you were there maybe he saw a part of her in you. You never understand what changed him.

Whenever he yelled at you you would just look anywhere but towards him. You would try and tune whatever he was saying out.

Sometimes it would work, sometimes it wouldn't. Depends on how loud he was.

One day though, you were at your finally straw something really snapped In you.

"Oh my god, all you ever do is yell and complain. Nothing is ever good for you mom has done her best as wife and I know I'm trying my best as your child, but I just can't this anymore. I hate you!"

You said then running to your room and locked your self in until your mom would come to get you the next day.

He wasn't your superhero anymore, he was a villain in a nightmare.

"I just wanna go home." You said to your mom on the phone.



(HEYYY YALL HAHA HOPE I DIDN'T MAKE YALL CRY BUT UHHH, This chapter was just a brief summary and a flashback on y/ns relationship with their dad and why he's not longer in their life. Also I'm realllllllllllllllllllllly sorry for not posting I've started school and it's been crazy and I've been so tired and stressed. I'll try and update more but we are also close to the end of this story just a few more chapters to go! But anyways I hope y'all enjoyed and please vote it helps a lot 🤍

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