009- someone like you.

642 19 10


11:30 AM Brooklyn,New York

"You only have today left to ask her Malik, just do it!" All of you were trying to convince Malik to ask his crush Taylor to prom.

He was scared that he would get rejected, but even more scared to get rejected by a senior.

"Well you guys talk don't you?" Miles said.

"Well we have to talk since we're doing and art project together for the school." Malik said thinking about it.

"Well that's good at least you guys have something in common and aren't total strangers." Ganke said eating some chips.

"Yeah I guess you guys are right. I've been working on this promposal poster for awhile now." Malik said showing you guys a picture in his phone.

"That looks sick dude!" Miles said admiring the art on it.

"Yeah she'll definitely love it, you should do it after school since she's coming over to do that project right?" You suggested.

"Yup, I guess that would be a good time to do it....fine I'll do it when she comes over." Malik finally gave in.

"Great! I'm sure Imani can assist you if you start to get cold feet." Referring to how she helped Miles.

"I don't know if I trust that little diva after she took MY WALLET." Malik was still mad about that..

"Oh come on it wasn't even that much, just like...$250..." You said the last part low.

"$250?!" Ganke and Miles said loudly. Everybody in the cafeteria turn to look at you all.

"Ahem, sorry..." miles said with a awkward smile.

"$250?!" Miles whisper yelled.

"I mean yeah...but i didn't even know Imani took the wallet till when we were buying it!" You tried to defend yourself.

"And I told you I'd pay you back this weekend anyways." You said rolling your eyes.

"Yeah whatever." Malik said.

"Me and Ganke are getting our suits after school, I had to convo this guy to come." Miles said side eyeing Ganke.

Ganke had protested about how he didn't wanna go to prom, and there was no point because all you were  gonna see there are couples making out and whole bunch of glitter on the floor.

Miles convinced him to go when he somehow made it possible for Ganke to be the DJ. But what you didn't know is that Ganke and Miles were teaming up to play some certain songs.


"Well that's the bell, Good luck man, and don't chicken out." Miles said dabbing Malik up.

"As if you didn't almost give up on asking Y/n.." Malik said with a grin on his face.

"AHEM, we don't talk about that." He said glaring at Malik.

"See you guys later you weirdos." You said walking with Ganke since you both had class together next.

"Peace." Ganke said doing his handshake with miles and waving bye to Malik.


                 5:00 PM Brooklyn, New York

It was after school and you and Imani were hiding in Malik's closet with flowers and colorful balloons and a poster that says "Are you Up for prom?" Referring to the movie "Up".

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