final part

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1 year later
"Seobieee wanna come hang out with me and soul!?!??!" You said. "YES, FUVK YES, PLS PLS PLS," he said excitingly. "Good," you said and smiled. Soul picked us up and went to the beach. It was 6 pm, and we were gonna watch the sun set and talk about random shit. Jongseob is really happy for us both and loves hanging out with us. "Soul I fucking love you so much I can't even explain it with words" you said as you kissed his cheek. "The same for me I love you so much I can't even explain it in words you just mean the world to me so fucking much. Jongseob, thank u so much for giving me this beautiful girl, JSJSJSJ, " he said, chuckling. "Ahhhshsshhshahahaha, you're so cute should we get married in some years," you asked. "Omg, we should," he said. You both laughed at your random thoughts. You ended up in his house with jongseob to stay the night since it was late already. "Soulllll," you said, whining. "What?" he asked. "If we're gonna sleep, then kiss me." You said. He blushed, but he leaned into you and kissed you passionately and slow. You did, too, and after a minute, you both pulled away. You're feeling so much butterflies in your stomach. You are in love with this man so much that you never wanna leave him 🥹

The end,if you want more parts, then feel free to comment!! You can comment date ideas, too. I don't write stories so much, so this one isn't so good, but when I get the time, I will re write it to make it good. Thank you so much for reading!! Love yall 💗 -mishu

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