What if Morrowseer found out about Sunny? Part 1

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His eyes finally locked onto a small sandwing dragonet who was eyeing another sandwing with jewlery and a bag similar to the one Deathbringer had that held his assassination disks. The dragonet's scales were goldish brown like the desert sand, their tail was missing a poisonous barb so they couldn't be older than three. Deathbringer watched as the dragonet waited for the older dragon to be distracted the dragonet leaped at the dragon and swiped their bag from around their neck and took off down the streets and into an alleyway. Deathbringer was already on a different rooftop watching the dragonet as he ran into another busy street, pushing past dragons as they made their escape. After a few more minutes, the dragonet stopped in a dark alleyway. Deathbringer was right above them, scanning for any sudden movements as the sandwing caught their breath. Deathbringer silently swooped down and grabbed the dragonet by the snout, preventing them from breathing. The shocked sandwing began to struggle and clawed at Deathbringer's scales, but to no avail. The dragonet began to lose strength from a lack of air and their body went limp in Deathbringer's talons. 

Taking a hostage felt like the safest way to get an answer out of Thorn or one her subordinates. Back when he was trying to find Stonemover, he snuck into Thorn's camp one night. What made it so difficult was that Thorn's closest allies knew of her complicated relationship with nightwings. From the way some of them looked at the shadows and kept a very tight security, it was clear they were on the lookout for nightwings who might want revenge for Thorn's actions. They of course, still didn't catch him, but it still came far to close for comfort. The plan was simple, Thorn had two confidants she trusted more than anyone, Armadillo and Six-claws. Surely both of them knew if Thorn had a dragonet with Stonemover or not. Armadillo would be the target, Deathbringer had seen how he liked to help struggling dragonets on the streets. The sandwing clearly had a lot of compassion towards them, most likely due to having a similar upbringing. Deathbringer had also observed his daily routine, and he would be passing by here soon to look out for any trouble. If he had to kill the large dragon, it would've been far easier. Gathering information from them would be, more challenging. Deathbringer picked up a few rough stones and placed the sleeping dragonet in a noticeable location in the alley, then he sank back into the shadows, waiting for his prey. 


It was easier than he could've hoped for. Once Deathbringer lured the burly sandwing into the alleyway Deathbringer revealed himself, half his body still in the shadows. A circular blade pressed into the now awake and terrified dragonet's throat. At the sight of this Armadillo paused, his face showing a deep anger, sadness, as well as a hint of fear as he glanced between Deathbringer and the dragonet. "What do you want Nightwing!" Armadillo growled threateningly, his stance lowering as if about to lunge. Deathbringer knew he wouldn't. Any attack the large sandwing made would likely injure and possibly kill the innocent dragonet. "I want information." Deathbringer spoke coldly and quickly. He had to show Armadillo he wasn't joking, he had to call his bluff. "About what?" Armadillo snarled, clearly put off by the whole situation but was desperately trying not to show weakness. "About Thorn's dragonet." Deathbringer responded and immediately scanned the sandwing's face for any reaction. The nightwing had to admit that Armadillo was good at hiding his shock, but the slight flinch he had after Deathbringer talked about the supposed dragonet was all the assassin needed to know it was real. "What dragonet?" The sandwing declined. "Thorn has no mate nor any dragonet's." "Don't give me that." Deathbringer responded flatly "I was able to overhear one of your conversations about it, we've had our dragons keeping an eye for it for months." "I simply need to know where it is, tell me that and I'll spare their life." Referring to the sandwing still shaking terrified in his arms. Armadillo glared at Deathbringer, clearly in an internal war with himself. "May I also say that this one here, is not the only one I have, ten more will die if you don't cough up information." "Now. where. is. that. dragonet." Deathbringer pressed the blade further into the dragonet's throat causing them to start crying. Armadillo gave up the information he knew after that. 

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