The Healing

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The Titans are currently fighting against a powerful enemy attacking Titans Tower. Damian Wayne, also known as Robin, along with his fellow Teen Titans, fought valiantly to protect their home and its inhabitants. The battle was fierce, with explosions echoing throughout the tower and the sound of desperate cries filling the air.

In the midst of the chaos, a devastating blow caught Damian off guard. A bolt of mysterious energy struck him directly in the eyes, leaving him blind. Disoriented and in pain, Damian stumbled backward, his hands reaching out for something to hold onto.

"DAMI!" Raven's voice cut through the chaos, filled with genuine concern. She soared through the battlefield, her dark energy swirling around her as she reached Damian's side.

"Raven..." Damian's voice was strained, his hand clutching his injured eyes. "I can't see."

Raven's heart sank at the sight of Damian's pain. With a deep breath, she took his hand and steadied him. "It's going to be alright, Damian. Just hold on to me," she reassured him, her voice carrying a comforting tone.

Damian nodded, his grip on her hand tightening. It was a rare vulnerability for him, the son of Batman, to admit, but he allowed himself to lean against her for support. The chaos around them seemed to fade away, replaced by the steady rhythm of Raven's heartbeat.

"Focus on my voice," Raven said softly, her dark energy enveloping them both. Instantly, Damian felt a calming sensation wash over him,"Raven," Damian called out, his voice revealing a hint of panic. "I can't see!" His heart raced, fear gripping him tightly, making it difficult to think clearly.

Dick Grayson, also known as Nightwing looked over at his little brother with concern. He had been busy fighting off the enemy, but seeing Damian in distress brought him immediate worry.

"Dami!" Nightwing shouted, leaping towards them. He quickly assessed the situation, realizing Damian's predicament. "We need to get you out of here. Raven, can you teleport us to safety?"

Raven nodded, her dark energy surrounding them and shielding them from the chaos. In an instant, they vanished from the battlefield, reappearing in the safety of the Titans' headquarters.

Damian's grip on Raven's hand loosened slightly, but he still clung to her for support. Nightwing rushed to his side, his expression filled with concern.

"I'm here, Dami," Nightwing said gently, kneeling beside him. "We're going to get you the help you need, okay? Just hang in there."

Damian nodded weakly, still disoriented and unable to see. Raven's energy surged around him, providing a sense of comfort and stability. She guided him to a nearby couch, where he slumped down, exhaustion seeping into his bones.

"Raven, can you heal him?" Nightwing asked urgently, his voice laced with worry.

Raven's brow furrowed, her powers pulsing as she concentrated. "I can try," she replied. "But it might take some time. Damian, can you hold on a little longer?"

Damian's voice trembled, his fear mingling with a stubborn determination. "I can," he forced out, his voice barely. Raven gently guided Damian to a nearby couch, making sure he was comfortable. Nightwing rushed to his side, his eyes filled with concern.

"We're going to get through this, Dami," Nightwing said, placing a hand on Damian's shoulder. "Raven is one of the strongest people I know. She'll do everything she can to help you."

Raven's powers enveloped Damian, their dark energy swirling around him. She focused her energy on his injuries, trying to heal him as best as she could. Nightwing watched anxiously, his heart pounding in his chest.

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