My Names Raphael Hamato..

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Hi, My name is Raphael Hamato, I'm the hot-head of my family, the overconfident one, right?
Ya, not so much. People think I like being rude to them. I can't controll my temper and today is a great example of how I ended up so self concious.

Raphs P.O.V
I woke up this morning to loud banging on my door.
"Raph, wake up breakfast is ready!" my brother Leo shouted from behind the strong door. I shot up and looked at the door, "Uh, ok i'll be out!" I grunted getting up and walking to the mirror. I look at my reflections seeing the cuts that go all the way up to my elbow, I sigh and wrap them up, grabbing my bandana on the way out of my room. I make my way to the kitchen to be greeted by the rest of my family, "Hi Raph, how'd ya sleep!" My cheery brother Mikey asked, I only grunted in return and sat down slowly eating my breakfast. "Hey you ok Raph?" Leo asks. My heart drops for a second, "Ya im fine, whats it to you" I managed to mumble out. "just needed to make sure your ok." "whatever" I got up and left the kitchen, sitting in the dojo waiting for everyone else to arrive so we can start, today my best bud Casey Jones is coming over so atleast that will be fun.

My family walks in, my brothers sit next to me on either side as my sensei sits infront of me. "Today we will be sparring, Raphael will go against Michelangelo and Leonardo will go against Donatello, winner spar eachother!" Sensei explains. I stand up and go to one end of the dojo while Mikey stands at the other end smirking. "Hajemi!" I charge at Mikey and swipe his leg which he jumps over my head and lands behind me, i turn around grabbing his arm and twisting him to the floor with my foot on his back. "Ow, Ow! Raph MERCY!" he shouts, "Yame!" I let go of him and sit down as Donnie and Leo go to spar. Thats already one cut Raph, you hurt him, your hurt him on purpose I bet, god your so annoying! "RAPH!" Donnie shouts in my face, "huh?.." I mumble out.

Leos P.O.V
"you ok, you've been zoned out there" I asked, "hm, ya i'm fine, what'd ya need" He asks. "Its your turn to spar Leo y'know winner on winner" Mikey says. "oh ya, whatever" He stands up and goes to his end of the room, I stand on the opposite side, "HAJIME" I charge at Raph going to punch him, he dodges and kicks my shell, I jump over him kicking his shell to knock him on the floor, I put my foot on his shell to keep him down, but somethings wrong...he's not struggling? "YAME, very good my sons, you may leave" Splinter says, I help Raph up as we all walk out of the room. "Raph are you ok?" I asked him, "I'm FINE Leo stop asking me PLEASE!" He shouts pushing me and walking to his room, I hear the door slam and everythings quiet.

~563 words~
A/N, Hi, sorry for the short chapter! My names Vince and i'll be adding more to the book whenever I can! Thank you for reading!

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