Jelous Payu makes Rain scared !!!

Start from the beginning

Payu : But baby you looking so good...
I don't want anyone to see you this beautiful and put a eye on you...

Rain : Please stop Payu...

Saying this Rain takes Payu's blazer and helps him to wear it...

Saying this Rain takes Payu's blazer and helps him to wear it

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Rain : Omg...!!!
My husband is looking so so so handsome !!!

Now tell me don't you feel other girls and guys will put eye on you...
What should I do at that time ???

Payu : But my eyes will be only on my cute little wife na...

After so many arguments finally they leave to the party...

At party Payu's parents and Papa takes Rain and starts to introduce him to all the guests...

Payu was also busy speaking to all the guests..

Rain and Payu couldn't even sit together.

Payu was so busy speaking to guests and Rain sits alone on a chair eating some snacks..

There were 2 alpha who didn't know that Rain was Payu's omega and they both are married..

They start to give flirting looks to Rain and approaches him..

Alpha 1 : Hello cute boy...
What's your name...???

Rain : I don't speak to strangers...

Alpha 2 : Oh sweet boy let's become friends so that you can speak to us...

Rain : I said I don't speak to strangers and please excuse me...

Rain gets up from the chair and was about to leave

Alpha 1 suddenly holds his hands....

Rain : Scoundrel leave my hand...

Alpha 1 : Will get to know each other na sweetie...
You look so amazing....

As they were speaking Payu suddenly comes there and grabs Rain hands..

He pulls Rain to his side...

Payu : Who the fucking hell are you...???

Alpha 1 : Calm down Payu...
He was cute and I was trying to speak to him...

Payu : Bloody scoundrel do you two know who is he...???

Alpha 2 : No we don't...

Payu : He is my Omega... we both are married
Don't you dare think of even looking at my Omega I will snatch your eye balls and put it to my dogs at home...

Alpha 1 : Oh am really sorry...
I didn't know that you both are husbands and he is married to you....

Alpha 2 : Am really sorry Payu...
I will really not look at your omega again in my life...
Sorry I really didn't know that he is your mate...

Payu : Now you both got to know right...
Get lost from my sight bloody scoundrels

Rain was literally scared seeing Payu that angry for first time...

He stands so quietly next to Payu...

After both Alpha leaves...

Payu looks at Rain who was so scared looking at him...

Payu cups Rain face...

Payu : What happened baby...???
Why are you keeping your face like this...???

Rain : Am scared...!!!

Payu : Scared...!!! But why..???

Rain : Am scared looking at you so angry like this for the first time...

Payu : Oh my sweetie...
I was angry on them not on you right...

Rain : Are you angry on me because I wore revealing shirt and those Alpha's started flirting with me..???

Payu : No baby not at all...
My baby is so beautiful and am here to protect my baby...

I will never get angry on you...

Payu pecks Rain lips and hugs him...

Rain hugs Payu tightly

Rain : I was so scared of you...

Payu : My cutie little pie....
I will never get angry on you baby....
Your my baby doll...

Then Payu takes Rain to stage and announces loudly in the mic saying he and Rain are married...

The guests present there some were shocked that young Payu was already married before even graduating..

Other people were so happy to see that Payu married a cute little omega and they both were looking adorable together..

Then Payu pulls Rain and kisses him in front of everyone so that people gets to know that Rain is only his and no one can ever put an eye on him

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Then Payu pulls Rain and kisses him in front of everyone so that people gets to know that Rain is only his and no one can ever put an eye on him...

Note : Am back from my vacation...
I missed you all so much...🤗🤗🤗

Am still keeping Rain's HEAT pending....
Before that I want to add some more things in the story...

End of chapter...🤗🤗🤗
Thanks for reading....
Hope you all liked it....😍😍😍

Love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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