Chapter 39: Prom Night Problems Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"I don't know if that's supposed to be a sex joke or...?" Teruteru questioned. "Because you really need to rethink what you say."

Miu frowned as she pressed a button.


Teruteru screamed as he felt his body get shocked. Once Miu stopped, she chuckled.

"Next time I'm increasing the volts." Miu threatened. "The more voltage you receive, the more dead you're going to be."

"Why are you still coming after us!?" Teruteru yelled at Nagito. "You could've literally left us all the hell alone after your expulsion." He points out.

"Because...I crave for hope upon your despair." Nagito replied. "I enjoy tormenting you all until you're filled with nothing but despair...the more despair you receive...the more hope I'll achieve in spreading that despair around." He explained.

"So, you started all of this...just cause despair upon me?" Teruteru asked.

"Not just you, but your little lady friend as well." Nagito chuckled out.

Teruteru saw red.

"What did you do to her!?" Teruteru barked. " 'F ya do sumthin' to ha Ah' swear A'hll kill ya ass!" He threatened in his Cajun accent.

"Actually, we didn't catch her." Hiyoko replied. "She wasn't in the school by the time we got you." She explained.

"I don't need to give her the same treatment you got in order to give her despair, I have another idea." Nagito stated as he reached into Teruteru's pocket to pull out his phone.


We were all in my dorm room, panicking the fuck out.

Especially me, since I was pacing back and forth rapidly while hyperventilating.

"Where is he? Who took him? Please tell me they didn't kill him!" I cried out.

Nekomaru pulled me into a hug.

"We'll find him...and we'll make whoever did this pay." Nekomaru assured me.

I sniffled into his chest.

Why? Out of all the days in my life, why it had to be at prom!?

I was sobbing uncontrollably into Nekomaru's chest as Nekomaru did his best to console me.

All of a sudden, I jumped at the sound of my ringtone blasting Cookies and Milk by Melanie Martinez. There was only one person who I had that ringtone set to specifically.

I quickly took my phone out to see Teruteru's name across the screen and exclaimed as I quickly answered it.

"Teruteru! Where are you!?" I screamed.

Everyone was shocked as they huddled around me to listen.

"Teruteru's...unavailable right now." I heard a voice say.


"Whoever you are...I swear to fuck if you lay a finger on him I will fucking burn you alive." I threatened with such malice.

The person chuckled.

"Long time no see to you too Y/N." The person replied.

My heart dropped at who it was.

"Is that...?" Akane quivered out.

"Why are you still around?" Kazuichi asked. "WHY ARE YOU STILL AROUND!?" Kazuichi yelled.

Sugar 'n Spice: A TeruTeru Hanamura Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now