Chapter 25: See Ya Later Alligator

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"Alright Kazuichi, give me a push." Nekomaru orders as he and Kazuichi pushes the boat into the lake.

"Ew, ew, ew this bait's squirmy." Hina winces out.

"Wanna know what else is squirmy?" Teruteru asks.

"No!" Everyone yelled out.

Today was a good day for everyone to go fishing.

You all were in your fish boats trying to catch fish...well all except Nekomaru and Gundham, who decided to catch fish with their bare hands.

Nekomaru and Gundham let out yells as they plunge their hands into the water to catch fish.

"Why aren't you guys fishing with the rods like all of us?" You asked.

"Because this is how to battle with the wilderness...WITH OUR BARE HANDS!" Gundham yells as he grabs a small fish with his hands.

Teruteru chuckles as he continues to fish.

"Maybe I could cook up a gourmet fish dinner for tonight." Teruteru thought to himself.

Teruteru then felt a tug on his line, which made him immediately begin to reel.

However, the fish was a fighter.

The boat began to move, catching everyone off guard.

"What the-" Hina began as the boat began to move at full speed.

"Teruteru what the fuck!" You exclaimed.

Teruteru was trying his best to reel the fish in, but the fish was very strong as it continued to pull the boat.

"Teruteru, let go!" Akane yells out as she hung on to the boat for dear life.

"I wanna catch this one for tonight's dinner!" Teruteru yells back.

"It's not worth it dude!" Ibuki yells.

Sakura grabs the fishing rod and yanks it back.

The fish sprouts out from the water and it was a whopping 10 inched 45 pound sea bass.

"It is glorious." Teruteru thought.


The sea bass smacked Teruteru in the face and began to flop into his hands.

"Ack! Plbbt!" Teruteru grunts out as the sea bass smacks him in the face with it's tail fin.

"Whoa! Nice catch Teruteru!" Kazuichi comments.

Unfortunately, the sea bass slips out of Teruteru's arms and dove back into the lake.

"Aww, that was going to be tonight's dinner." Teruteru whined out.

"No worries, we can catch 'em again." Ibuki assures him as she grabs the fishing rod.

Ibuki immediately catches something and reels it in.

However, what she reeled in...shocked everyone in fear.

"Wow, this is a weird looking fish." Ibuki comments.

"T-th-that's not a f-fish!" You stammered out.

"Huh, what is it?" Ibuki asks.

"THAT'S A DAMN GATOR!" Teruteru yells.

The alligator squirmed out of Ibuki's grip and growled as it landed on the boat.

Everyone screamed in horror.

"Everyone out the boats!" Akane yells as she dives into the lake.

You all swam out with the alligator hot on y'all tails.

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