BNHA The Movie : Heroes Rising Part 4

Start from the beginning

Aoyama : Can't Stop Twinkling... Supernova!

Slice and Chimera react quickly to the incoming laser attack and jump out of the way while Nine remains still and simply blocks it with his Air Wall.

As Aoyama continues to fire his attack, the laser openings on his knee pads and shoulders start to glow brighter.

Aoyama : Plus Ultra!

Suddenly, lasers start to fire out from the laser openings in Aoyama's costumes and head towards the path in front of him and rain down on the villains. Nine continues to block the lasers with his Air Wall and while Chimera and Slice dodge the lasers coming down on them.

Yaoyorozu soon sees that the villains had separated and pulls the camouflage tarp off the object that she was hiding which was revealed to be two cannons.

Yaoyorozu : Using the last of my lipids, I made these! My final attack!

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Yaoyorozu : Using the last of my lipids, I made these! My final attack!

Yaoyorozu then fires her cannons which were both aimed at Slice and Chimera. Slice easily dodges the incoming cannon fire and looks back at Yaoyorozu.

Slice : Where are they aimin—

Suddenly, the ground under her foot starts to crumble down which unbalances her footing. The ground then completely breaks open which causes her to fall.

The second shot that was fired at Chimera reaches the villain and causes an explosion that blasts him off to the lower levels of the mountain.

Yaoyorozu quickly falls to her hands in exhaustion from the overuse of her Quirk while Aoyama slides down the slope while holding his stomach.

Yaoyorozu : *panting* Phase one, finished...

Aoyama : S-Some leaked out...

Back at the top of the mountain, the Class A students who were with Katsuma and Mahoro then see that their plan worked and were able to split up the villains.

Shoji : We've succeeded in splitting them up!

Ojiro : All right!

Jiro continues to use her Quirk to track the villains and make sure they were getting to their arranged areas.

Jiro : The villains are being lured to the arranged spots!

Midoriya : *nods* ( So far, everything's going according to plan. We will definitely protect everyone! )

Meanwhile, Nine who wasn't launched off the mountain by the cannon fire continues to walk up the path and towards his target. Nine suddenly hears footsteps running towards him and approaching him.

The one who was running towards the villain was Sero who was pulling multiple boulders that were floating in the air behind him using his Quirk. He then pulls his arm down and brings the boulders down onto the villain.

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