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It was Amelia's first day at Brown college and she was struggling to find her way around campus. Her twin brother Alex lived on the opposite side of the school and he could be anywhere at the moment so it was useless trying to track him down. 

Amelia quickly glanced at her campus guide to find the canteen. She needed breakfast before her first class started. She hadn't been paying attention when she stumbled into a tall boy with chocolate brown hair. 

Both of them fell to the floor in a heap and she quickly apologised "I'm so sorry I'm just really nervous today" she noticed he had spilt coffee down his shirt. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry"

He laughed "Relax I get it I'm pretty nervous too" he helped her up then introduced himself "I'm Conrad Fisher"

She smiled "Amelia. Amelia Williams"

He looked at her "So where are you rushing off to?" she groaned and explained "I'm trying to find the canteen so I can get some breakfast before my first class." 

"Nice, but a word of advice the food doesn't look too good but I know a café nearby that we could go to instead." 

She looked at him suspiciously "You're not trying to kidnap me are you?" he shook his head "No don't worry ,just trying to be friendly" he looked around awkwardly "I don't know anyone here and you look like a good person"

She laughed "Thanks, I guess" he looked at her with hopeful eyes "So was that a yes?"

She nodded "Okay, but coffee is on me okay" he looked at his shirt "Actually the coffee is literally on me but thanks"

The two walked into a beautiful old-fashioned café Conrad didn't get any food he just got a coffee and Amelia bought a hot-chocolate and a croissant. 

They sat at a private table in the corner and chatted about themselves. Conrad learnt that Amelia had a twin brother named Alex while Amelia learned about Conrad's younger brother Jeremiah. 

"So what subject are you studying?" Amelia asked him as the time neared for classes to start. "Um I take biology, I want to be a doctor you see" he explained to her.

"My brother is taking biology maybe you'll be in the same class" she inputted making him feel less nervous. He looked at her "Maybe. Anyways what subject do you take?"

She smiled brightly "I take visual arts. It's the one lesson I can really express myself and I'd love to be an artist or designer one day"

He nodded and when they reached campus the two traded phone numbers and went their separate ways. 

"Bye Fisher" she called after him. He smiled and saluted "See you Williams"

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