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Siz was reclining, looking at the moon that he began to playfully touch with his hand: _“So.”

Moli having bitten off a piece of cheese in his hand: _“I think the idea worked… I don’t know, I’ll go now to the old man’s palace and see what happens… My guess was right, the man is terrified of losing his daughter.”

Siz: _“And he will trust you just because he saw your muscles."

_“I don’t know, there’s no benefit for me in killing his daughter…”

Siz interrupted him: _“But you do have a benefit from eliminating the entire royal family and taking over the rule, or perhaps entering the palace and looting everything.”

Moli was chewing on his bite until he finished it and swallowed it, looked at the sky for a while, then sighed: _“Couldn’t you have crushed your heart for minutes and listened to that damn old man as he explained to you the nature of this world you are about to live in… I can’t do something like this now, as the kingdom of Helania falls within the possessions of the Eastern Empire, the Empire of Maindar, such an act would shake the existing atmosphere between the three empires.”

_“What are their names?”

_“Who? Ah, you mean the empires, the southern is Chunco and the western is Indana… You need to educate yourself on these matters as you will need it…”

Siz interrupted him: _“And why should I do it when you are with me.”

Moli, holding his chest and smiling: _“Ooo… my heart will burst.”



Siz interrupted him, shouting: _“Just shut up, and now go to that old man or wherever.”

Moli, having stood up: _“ Roger.”

A knocking on the door.

The king, leaning on his throne, looked at the door, swallowed his saliva, then turned to his guard, ordering him to leave, and then said: _“Enter.”

The princess was walking with heavy steps, not knowing how to take them, she entered the throne room and then closed the door.

The king, sighing: _“Eili.”

The princess looked at her father with a cold gaze: _“Father, what happened there?”

The king looked at the ground, lost in thought, then said:
_” none of your business, my bunny .”

Eili, getting agitated: _“How can it not be when I see my father, the king, putting his head next to the foot of that hybrid!!”

The king smiled coolly: _“The hybrid, huh.”

_“And why him specifically… What’s the point of the competition then!”

The king raised his head towards his daughter standing before him, confidence evident in her presence, looked at her for a while, then said: _“How old am I, Eilinder.”

Eili looked into his fading eyes: _“Seventy years, nine months, and five days.”

The king stood up then moved towards his daughter, stood in front of her while she did not waver, and said: _“Your father is tired and cannot continue the journey. Listen… this world was not made for creatures likes  you.” The king added, turning towards the wide window overlooking that great moon: _“For decades, I have not seen an angel in this world, I believed in their existence, everyone mocked me… but I was sure, the Creator does not oppress… He created demons to humiliate us and angels to comfort us… and yes.” The king, turning to his daughter: _“The Creator gave me a little angel.”

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