As God spoke to Y/N, Y/N would recoil into a ball. Covering his head and breathing hard, the brilliant light would calm down, a soothing white mist would cover Y/N; God would then speak in a more soothing tone, like a parent comforting their child.

God: "Oh Y/N, I shall be with you when you go into the lands of Teyvat. Now take this." Hands him what looks like a cylinder "You will do marvelous things my child, now go, and do my wonders. Y/N L/N, the 5th Descender of Teyvat and most importantly, Child of the Most High!!"

Y/N: "Th... thank you.."

God: "I'm also blessing you with the powers of Electro and Anemo my son, remember, I am always with you."

The Biblical God said as Y/N was covered in a purple and cyan aura, as it was done God handed Y/N the cylinder looking object.

God: "Once you grab hold of this, you will be sent to Teyvat."

As Y/N took hold of the cylinder, he would be enveloped in a bright white that temporarily blinded him. As he opened his eyes after a few seconds, Y/N would see images all around him. God creating the Earth, Abraham being stopped by the angel, Moses spilling the sea, Jesus' resurrection, the fall of Rome, the discovery of the Americas, War World 1 and 2, and many more. He would even see Judgment Day and the ending of thr universe.

                     Location: Teyvat

Teyvat, the land ruled and overseen by the Seven Archons, or the Seven gods of the lands. Anemo, Geo, Electro, Dendro, Hydro, Pyro, and Cryo. The seven elements that made and formed the lands of Teyvat, after the great Archon war, only seven were victorious and claimed the title of Archon. The war was brutal, it was tragic, gods and mortals alike lost their lives.

In the land of Mondstadt, overseen by the Anemo Archon, Barbatos; in a place called Starfell Valley, there were currently two individuals sitting around a campfires eating cooked meat. The one sitting to the left of the fire had short bobbed styled blonde goldwn hair with two shoulder length bangs; with an addition of two flowers on the right side of her head.

The other one who had 3 pieces of cooked meat on her hands, was many times smaller than the other one. She had shoulder length white hair with what looked like a diamond shape on the left side of her hair. The two indivisible were named Paimon and Lumine, Paimon the self-proclaimed best travel guide in all of Teyvat, and Lumine; the mysterious traveler from afar.

Paimon: "Oh man, we did some good work today Lumine!! Defeating all those monsters really tires ones out."

Lumine: "Weren't you hiding behind a tree while I was fighting those slimes?" She told the Emergency food, while looking at Paimon with a raised brow

Paimon: "a-.... well Paimon was giving you emotional support.. ehe."

Lumine: "Hehe I'm sure you were Paimon."

Paimon: "Hmmph!!"

Lumine would giggle as Paimon pouted, she had been in Teyvat for almost 3 months now. It had been really lonely for Lumine up until she fished Paimon from the water. It was never a dull moment with Paimon around, and she enjoyed it, currently beats being alone.

Even after 3 months, Lumine wondered what Paimon was, not even some of the locals had a clue. Throughout her travels Lumine had meet many of strange creatures, slimes, ogres, goblins, giant sentient incest etc... maybe she was just a really big fairy?

As the two continued to eat, Lumine looked down at her dull blade, even though it was basically useless, it still got the job done. She missed her powers deeply, but Lumine missed her brother even more. Oh how she longed for then to be reunited...

As the two travel companions continued to eat they were interrupted by a massive boom. Looking up into the sky Lumine's eyes widened in shock, she saw what appeared to be a meteor covered in golden flames, that lit up the night sky.

Both Paimon and Lumine got out of the way as the meteor headed towards them and off into a deeper section of the forest. Leaving behind many broken trees and a trail of smoke in its midst

Lumine: "Come on Paimon, let's check it out!"

Paimon: "R-right!"

The two ran off into the direction of where the meteor crashed, after they made their way through the broken trees. They would come across the impact zone, Lumine slowly walked towards it, and readied her sword just in case. With Paimon following.

Paimon: "Be careful Lumine."

Lumine: "Don't worry Paimon, I'm always careful."

As the duo reached the impact zone, they both looked down into it and saw.... a man, with black hair. He also seemed to be wearing a white tunic with a cape attacked and a golden inside to his outfit.

He was the meteor...

How was it? I'm so sorry for the LATE relay of the chapter.

Teyvat's 5th Descender (Genshin Impact x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now