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The scene start revealing to be some kind of a hospital. The scene revealing to be a little girl who is crying. And her mother and father is taking a nap. The two are wearing their mask. Because they are carrying deadly virus. His body is cover in red spots. But  that virus that is HPV and unfortunately their is no cure for HPV.

Nurse: "I'm sorry, but the virus is too spreading. And they is carrying HPV. We tried everything to save your parents. I'm sorry, but we couldn't save them. They doesn't have much long to live. So I think it be better if you get out the room. Because we don't want to scare you." She said sadly.

She cried after hearing the news. The daughter wish she could hug them for one last time. But she can't as she walk out of the room. However the lights began to flicker as the notice. Then the father began to open his eyes. He then spot someone else. He spot a strange person dress in a black suit and a black hat. However doesn't see his face. But all he knows that he came from the dark corner.

Dad: "Who is that?" He asked weakly.

The nurse look around to see who he talking about be he doesn't see nobody.

Nurse: "I don't see anyone in here." She said.

Dad the turn his head around trying to see where he have gone. However he saw that someone is right next to him.

Dad: "Uh?" He asked.

The man began to pulled out a bag. He then began to pull something from his bag. He pulled out something that will give him a shot. The father wish could speak to catch the nurse or his family attention. But his mouth is too weak to speak. And his time is almost up. Until he give him a shot. And the light began to flicker. He notice the lights was flicker. When he turn back the someone. That person was gone.

Dad: "What happened?" He asked.

However it made the whole room shock. The father was shock that he could speak. It like he speaking normal again. And his body that cover big red spot is starting to disappear. And it goes the same thing to his wife.

Nurse: "Ho-How?!" She asked.

Dad: "I don't know, someone was in the room. That person just give me a shot. And I somehow felt better. It like I feel better as I soon I got the shot." He said.

Nurse: "But no one was in the room except us. And their is no cure. How is it possible you and your wife got cure?" She asked.

He became shock that she doesn't see the person. He began to wonder what just happened just now. He have questions running through his head like how did he and his wife get cured? If their no cure, then how he and his wife got better? Before he have more questions. He then see the same person again in the corner. He was staring at him. Before he go, he tip his head and began to disappear in the dark corner.

Then someone came inside of the room revealing to be his child who have tears in her eyes. It reveal to she is crying in joy. And she is happy that they are alive.

Child: "Mommy! Daddy!" She cried.

The father look at her and give her a soft smile.

Dad mind: "I wonder who that person is. He just saved me and my wife life." His mind said.

Then the scene change revealing to be a roof top of the hospital. And reveal to be the same person who cure the innocent man.

Y/N mind: "So many people, caught by the virus. And I cure them. And yet they still don't know me." He said as he began to teleport.

The scene change revealing to be Arkham Asylum. Where all criminals mastermind being held. And it reveal to be Y/N who is standing in front of the place. As he carrying his bag.

Y/N: "It time for my real secret mission. To help those who need in this asylum." He said.

Too be continued

Sorry if this chapter is short. I was kinda in a rush. But I promise you the next one is a long one. This only the introduction, but I hope you enjoy the story.

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