Day 14

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As predictably as ever, her Grandmother was in the family room. She was still working on the protection balls, although 3 of them were already hung in the window, casting rainbows around the room as they spun in the sunlight. Macavity instantly sat up, tilting his head to look at the indigo cat, who slunk behind Chao as they entered. Her grandmother looked up, first at Freyia, then at Chao.

"You're one of the Wangs," she observed.

"Chao," he supplied. "Pleased to meet you Bai Baozhai."

She gave him that long, scrutinising gaze, then it dropped to the indigo cat at her heels, then back to Freyia.

"Love, have you even offered this boy refreshments?"

"I haven't," Freyia admitted.

"I thought I raised you better than that," She rolled her eyes. "Go and make a pot of tea."

"Yes Grandam."

"Oh,  I don't..." Chao stammered, but was cut off by a look from her Grandmother.

"And as for you, sit down," she commanded regally of Chao. "You're the violin player."

"Yes Ma'am."

Freyia left the room to make a pot of tea, but Scout remained, stretching out in a puddle of sunshine, keeping one ear open. 

"I don't recall any of the Wangs ever being Arcane before," her Grandmother observed. "Had to happen eventually I suppose. I imagine it's caused quite the stir in your family."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Ever made a protection ball before?"

"N-no Ma'am. Are they for looking in?"

"Those are scrying balls, sweet boy," Her grandmother said patiently. "These are Watch Balls, they guard against evil spirits, by distracting their attention and then trapping them in the fibres within. You're going to need one, being an Arcane."


She looked at him.

"Have the dreams started yet?" She asked him conversationally.

Chao's eyes dropped instantly. She nodded slowly.

"Then you're going to need a Watch ball," She said seriously. 

Her Grandmother gave him a speculating look, then handed him a glass sphere. A royal blue one with golden swirls, and pushed the tray of sticks, fragments of fabric, feathers and fluff towards him.

"What do I do?" Chao asked.

"Take a few fragments and place them inside the ball," Her grandmother said.

"Which ones?"

"Whichever ones feel right," her grandmother shrugged. "It's more of an art than a science, you're just looking to make some strands."

She picked up her own ball and continued her own work.

"You know it's perfectly normal for the Arcane types to be brightly coloured?" Her Grandmother continued conversationally. "I think I was the only one of the Shade's Students I knew of with a black cat, but then I was so hellbent on being a Sabre that I can't blame Macavity, he tried his best."

Macavity purred in agreement.


"I said so, didn't I?" her grandmother rolled her eyes. "I believe the current Shade's bondmate is lilac, if you'd believe that. At least your beauty is a nice strong colour."

Chao deftly twirled a pair of ribbons together, then swirled the resultant strand around the inside of the ball, and her Grandmother nodded approvingly. Freyia reentered with the tea tray and carefully poured out little cups of tea for each of them.

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