Chapter 40 - Alex -San flashback

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" Please leave me, I want to go to my dada, please.. Don't do this to me.. I m like your sister right, please.. Aap chodo mujhe " she cried begging me, her eyes were pleading me and I dont know what happened to me, something stirred inside me seeing her and I asked everyone to walk out.

She looked so innocent and her eyes were something which I wanted to see forever, that moment, I know she belong to me and I m not letting her go anywhere, not to any douchebag who was waiting to ravish her. I will kill anyone who would even look at her, she is mine from this second. 

Alex " what's your name " his voice was softer than anything and he himself was shocked at the tone of his

San " please take me to dada, please "

Alex " first tell me your name "

San " sanjana, sanjana kundrra "

Hearing kundrra , he frowned, obviously he knew them, they r big name in India and how was she here, they never kidnap big family girls, they always take girls who are poor and homeless. He asked her to be quiet and stop crying, he walked out and grabbed raghuvanshi collars who was standing with nervous face.

Alex " what the fuck you did, you kidnapped kundrra, they will burn this place and if something happened wrong then be ready to die from my hands "

Ragh " Alex, please listen to me, as I told one girl was missing and i have to get one more, what will I do, I have to get her here, she came on the right time and I had covered up everything there. Don't worry, let her deal with this "

Alex " no.. She is not dealing with anything. I know what to do wit her. You leave this place before I kill you "

Raghuvanshi left the place and Alex was disturbed in his mind. He wanted to keep sanjana with him but at the same time, he is not someone loyal to anyone,  he kills, he fucks, he ships girls to the hungry wolves waiting to spoil them, he never thought about all this before, all matters to him was money, but now, whenever he imagine anyone touching sanjana, his blood boils and he wasn't in a state to understand.

He walked back to the place and saw her shivering, he went near her and she moved back and hugged her knees. His phone pinged with notification from the person with whom sanjana have to go but he ignored.  He sent back the money and typed " Can't deliver now, your money is sent back, don't contact again"

San " Dada.. Please take me to dada , please "

Alex " you can't go back there, you need to be here, with me, forever, yes forever, did u heard me, you r mine "
He said dangerously making her shiver and she looked down.

Days just passed and she was still the same, he used to talk to her daily, with her he feels different and he even felt guilty at times for caging her.

San " Can i see Dada's photo one time?"

That's the first time she spoke to him in this one year and he didn't have a heart to say no, he nodded and opened the explorer, downloaded karan pictures from internet.

San traced his pictures with her fingers " Happy birthday dadaa, I miss you "

She whispered slowly and then started crying. This one year was hell for her, he didn't do anything with her but the constant gun shots and things, he used to break everything in anger and everything he does only scared her more.  She tried to escape many times and each times, he caught her and slap her saying she can't leave him. After a certain time, she lost her hope and continued living her life like that. 

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