Chapter 28 - Raghuvanshi's truth

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He was watching everything through the camera from his home study room, Jake was there at the bereau with avinash.

Avi " so Mr. Raghu, I hope you got to know how we deal with people like you.. So don't play with us and just answer our questions "

Raghu shivered remembering the pain he went through, his body was still paining and his right arm is still numb and paralysed, the venom of snake caused temporary paralysis on him.

Jake placed the pistol on the table
" So tell me, whom you were working for. Why did you went to Albania ? "

Raghu looked at him shocked like how did did he knew, Jake gave him a bored expression.

Jake " Chuck that expression man, it's irritating now. You think we r here bcoz we r jobless, we know each and everything you did in this drug and also on other activities of yours. So cut your innocent face and just get to the truth "

Raghu " I was at Alabania for this drug allaince "

Jake " good that u understand what's better for you... Okay now, the meeting, With whom ?

Raghu " He will kill me "

Avi " and you think we will play hide and seek with you , bastard we will finish u before he reaches you if u won't open your mouth right now. "

Karan " avi, calm down, handle with patience right now "

Jake " Raghu, you have seen the teaser already, we know the person but want to know how u know him, think about your life now bcoz its in our hands and just answer us quickly "

Raghu " you don't know who he is, he can finish everyone of you in a second and you all are nothing infront of me"

Avi " Alex Cameron, The biggest mafia in the disguise of the businessmen ,  Russian who have the whole world underground business in his hands and he is the human version of devil. He won't think twice before killing anyone and that's y he is being feared of.  He have almost all developed countries in his hold and now his target falls on India and you being a bastard, helping him to spoil your own country just for money, how pathetic "

Raghu was now clearly shocked, how come these people know so much him, Alex, the poisonous human in the world.

Jake " Avi, stop man, see how he is sweating.. You want some water.. Please have Raghuvanshi "

Raghu take a sip and he looked at the two men who were smirking at him. He started feeling weird and Jake nodded at avi. They mixed Truth serum, scopalamine drug, the drug act as a sedative and make the patient lose his self conscious, the person will start to blabber and that's used as a technique to learn some truth from criminals. They attached the lie detector to his body and started.

Raghu " I know him since ages, I have helped him quite a times with many things, this is not the first time he is doing this in India, he used to do this before also but the form of drug was powder mam, since it's been caught easily here, He planned this type of form this time and he called me for alliance. I have received a huge amount for this and I agreed to do this.  He said he will cover up everything and I believed him. "

Jake " how he is circulating all this, this tablet comes just before a month and how come people are taking it, how do they knew this "

Raghu " He have some illegal website for this and he target the school students through the local dealers here. And people pay the money on the website and get these showing the code.  "

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