Chapter 40 - Alex -San flashback

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Alex  was on the chair with Frank explaining him something when the door bursted open and there stood his PA, who entered with a file.

Alex " what happen "

P. A " Navya Raghuvanshi is dead and also that Goenka Son, both commited suicide it seems "

Alex " Suicide?  She is not someone to do this "

P. A " one more thing sir "

Alex " what is it "

P. A " this invitation came through fax,  KK empire invites you to their new restaurant launch, they r sending it to the best chain of restaurants from all over world and our Canabe restaurant is also in the list. So we also received the invitation "

Alex " why does it feels strange to me. All this fiasco and now karan kundrra inviting me there. All this doesn't feel right "

Frank " Boss but we are the one who wanted to collaborate with them through that raghuvanshi, but the project was dropped and may be bcoz of that they invited us "

Alex signalled the PA to leave and he turned to Frank " I feel like its a trap"

Frank " boss, but karan kundrra is a clean person, there is not a single crime work or illegal things against him. And beside that, there is no relation between you and him boss"

Alex " Frank, for how many years your r with me "

Frank " from past 3 years boss "

Alex " before that what were u doing"

Frank " I was working under the teams of yours in Albania for 2 years"

Alex " Hmm you know karan kundrra from when ? "

Frank " I have always heard about him from news and personally I don't know him "

Alex " You know he had a sister?"

Frank " he had a sister ? "

Alex nodded " yes he had and she was my girlfriend. I kidnapped her 10 years ago and kept her with me bcoz she was my possession. She was something which I never wanted to lose but I lost her 3 years back and I never wanted to meet KK in my life after that.

Frank " but he doesnt know that it's you right? "

Alex " he doesn't know or may be he knew, or he is yet to know and this is a trap for that "

Frank " boss it's been 10 years since she had gone from their life and y would he just target you sudden and even if he does, he is the one to suffer. You will destroy him easily "

Alex " No ,he is not less than me, he may seems quiet but he is mastermind. There can not be two kings under one roof peacefully,  it's either me or him,  "

Frank " So then I will reject this offer politely boss, you don't worry. But Wat if they think that you r scared or it may create a strong foundation for their doubt right? "

Franks talks made sense to him and he was thinking what to do.

Frank " If it's a trap also, then karan kundrra might think that you r scared of him. And I "

Alex "No, I m not scared of anyone. We r going to India.. The place where she was born and I am going to meet her brother who was her favourite one always and the most used words of hers " Dada ", I m coming karan, I m coming "

Frank " then I will make the arrangements boss "

He nodded and frank left the room and he picked her photo from the drawer and traced her picture, he held them closer to his heart and closed his eyes...

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