Chapter 1: Star high

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It was bright and sunny morning when Veronica woke up to her name being called by her mother

“ VERA!” her mother yelled
Veronica raised from her bed and sat at the edge of it trying to get her head straight.

Her mother entered the room
“ don't you know you're late for school ?  Go and get ready ”

Her mother said then left . After taking some time to realise everything Veronica finally stood up to get ready .

She walked to the living room where her mother was . She had already put on her school uniform but her stockings were in her hand .

“ aren't you going to eat?”
Her mother asked

“ I'm already late and Tega is waiting for me outside” she said

“ okay get my car keys let me drop you both at school” her mother said for Veronica to go fetch the keys

The car parked at the school gate . Tega came down and headed towards school while Veronica mum gave her her lunch money .

“bye” her mother said as she came down from the car. Veronica gave her just a weak wave and headed towards school gate.

As Veronica walked into the school compound she saw some school perfect in ss3 at the gate telling late comers to pick dirty.

On a norms if you come to school late you'll be told to drop your bag at the gate where the perfects are , to go and pick the school environment.

But when she comes with tega she doesn't pick , because he's also a perfect . So he normally walks her pass his fellow perfects . But now she can't seem to find him , so she decided to drop her bag.

“latey latey” she heard Tega tease
She smiled a bit and took her bag and walked along with Tega passing the other perfects .

Tega stays at the compound next to Veronica's.

“ where were you?”veronica asked

“ I was talking to somebody” they walked through the field heading to seniors block.

“ why don't you know any ss3 prefect or even a person that could be releasing you apart from me”
Tega said in a pity tone .

Veronica is an average fine girl with a slender body and a dark-skin tone . She's about a 5'4 in height .  

She is also a quiet girl she doesn't really have seniors as friends cos she's quiet she feels that the reason that seniors mostly boys doesn't notice her. But she doesn't mind at at least she has her fellow ss1 as friends.

“ you of all people should know that I'm not the social type” she said narrowing her eyes

“G...o...d” Tega dragged the word while rolling his eyes making her laugh .

“ okay wait... I think I know one girl” she said making Tega have a lil bit of surprised look on his face.

“ she's my church member” she added and they both laugh .

“ you ehn... So How's your relationship life going. Like How's your boyfriend?” Tega asked purposely knowing full well she doesn't have.

“ you know I don't have . I know you know , you just want to ‘mock’ me " she said air quoting the mock making Tega grin

Tega has always had a crush on Veronica , since the day she moved in to their flat he had always liked her .

But Veronica just sees him as a friend . Her heart beats for one boy ‘JASON' the boy that stole her heart  .

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