【15】Flawless Harmony

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The sudden action drew the attention of the VIP section, and the room seemed to hold its breath for a moment. The commotion around us momentarily paused as people turned their heads to witness the unexpected confrontation.

Only then did I question my impulsive action. This extremely exclusive club surely didn't tolerate such displays, and I might get not only myself but also Ulrik in trouble. As swiftly as I'd seized him, I released the man and raised my hands to show my willingness to let this altercation end now.

In the corner of my eye, I caught sight of a tall blond man approaching, his confident stride and authoritative aura captivating the room. He had a striking resemblance to Ulrik, with the sharp jawline, the sky-blue eyes, and the strong brow. Even though this was Norway and blond men with blue eyes and perfect bone structure were common currency, the likeliness made me pause for an instant.

As the handsome man reached us, his piercing eyes surveyed the scene, quickly assessing the situation. There was an air of authority about him, and he exuded an aura of protectiveness that put me at ease, even in the aftermath of the confrontation.

The blond man wasted no time in stepping forward, resting a firm hand on the creep's shoulder. "What have you done this time?" The tall blond then turned his attention to me, his expression filled with concern. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, thank you," I replied, feeling a sense of gratitude for his protective presence.

Displaying an uncanny amount of strength, he lifted the man by the tweed of his jacket and brought him to his feet. The creep sent me a glare, in which I guessed some amount of curiosity mixed with shock.

"Time to head back," the blond said before offering me a grave nod.

I watched as they walked away toward the backroom, still not over what had just happened. Was I not in trouble, after all? The blond man's attitude made me think that the creep was renowned for this kind of behavior. It was clearly not the first time he's acted this way, and everyone was back to their conversations, ignoring me entirely. Maybe I would be okay after all, despite losing my temper.

My eyes drifted down to my hands, wondering where that uncanny turmoil had come from. Was it his words about the bracelet which had planted a seed of doubt in my head? Was it his ominous aura? The drinks?

Whatever it was, I was to blame for my reaction. Yes, he shouldn't have touched me or insisted, but I should have been more diplomatic. I turned to the backroom door, growing increasingly frustrated that Ulrik wasn't here. What was he doing there? A few minutes passed, my annoyance ever-growing.

Then, a waitress arrived with a fancy cocktail on her tray. "This is from one of our members," she explained with a polite smile. "To apologize for the...disturbance."

My attention drifted to the back door, wary. "Is it from the brown-haired one?"

"No, miss. It's from the blond one. He hopes you will excuse his friend's poor manners."

I glanced at the door again. Had the glass been from the creep, I wouldn't have touched it for fear it might be spiked. But this clearly came straight from the bar, and they hadn't been in this part of the lounge since they'd left, so the drink was safe. I gave the waitress a nod, and she settled the glass before me on the table.

I mindlessly took it, curious to discover its flavor. The color was unique, between lilac and lavender, and what must be edible glitter was glimmering within. Dear God, the taste that spread on my tongue was...heavenly. I couldn't even determine which liquor it was or which fruits were in the juice. But the mix of it was absolutely stellar.

As the vibrant music pulsated through the club, drawing me in with its hypnotic rhythm, I found myself growing increasingly frustrated with Ulrik's absence. The VIP section had lost its allure, and the temptation of the dance floor below became irresistible. Downing the last of my drink, I made a spontaneous decision, determined to empty my mind and let the music guide me. I left the VIP lounge behind, walked up to the elevator, and rode it down. When the door parted, the languid tunes loudly filled my ears.

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