Chapter Thirty Five

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"I'll swing by and get you about 7:30?" Johnny said on the phone to Meg. "You don't need to come get me, I know where your house is." She giggled. "Yes but this is a proper date, and if I was taking you out properly then I would come and get you so let me do this." Meghan smiled as she wandered around her bedroom. "Ok.. I'll be ready for 8." "I said 7:30..." Johnny said chuckling. "Yeah but I operate on Johnny time now remember..." "I promise I'll be there on time." "Hmmm ok. See you later." "Laters baby."

Meghan hung up and headed into the en suite, she decided to relax before her first official date with Johnny and take a long hot soak in a bubble bath. She began to run it when her mother called and interrupted the peace.

"Darling..." her mother said cheerily.
"Mum." Meghan replied simply.
"I have splendid news!"
"Go on."
"We are renewing our vows!"
"What?" Meghan said confused.
"We are renewing our vows."
"Oh.. right. Nice."
"It will be more than nice darling! It's going to be the event of the year!!"
Meghan rolled her eyes, and continued prepping her bath, not really caring about her mother's ramblings.
"So anyway. Poppy has already said she will fly in, I'm hoping you can tear yourself away from Alex to come?
"Mum, I'm not with Alex anymore, I haven't been for months? You know I don't even live in Nashville anymore right? Do you pay any attention?!"
"Oh yes so sorry I forgot."
"Did you or are you just so self absorbed you don't care? And anyway... are you planning to fly home for my birthday in January?"
"Well with the wedding.."
"Sorry renewal I'll have a lot on darling."
"Mum, it's my 30th birthday. Some parents plan their entire year around their children's big birthdays."
"I'll look into it."
"Ok well I've got to go. I'm really busy."
"Ok. Talk to your sister about flying in, it's New Years Eve."
"Bye darling."

Meghan rolled her eyes and hung up the phone before sinking down into the tub.
"If it's not enough my mother has been married twice; she's now doing it again just for shits and giggles... I'll never be married and my sodding mother is doing it yet again." Meghan mumbled to herself before closing her eyes and leaning back into the bubbles. She relaxed for as long as she could, before climbing out and wrapping a large bath sheet around her. Wandering into the bedroom she donned her short satin robe and sat at her vanity attempting to curl her hair. She was very excited for her upcoming date, although rather nervous.

Meghan donned a black mini leather look skirt, a black satin shirt, that she tucked in and left open a lot further down than she should have done with a black lace bralet poking out providing a little bit of sexiness alongside her barely there heels. She ruffled her hair, and checked her make up before heading downstairs, she was extremely surprised to hear a knock on the door bang on 7:30pm. Her eyes widened as she headed to the door and opened it. Johnny was stood there smiling, and he looked insanely handsome, he had black trousers on with a white crisp shirt, the shirt was undone to his chest and the sleeves were rolled up showing off his tattooed large arms. "Hey.." he said softly, and she smiled "Hey!" She replied as he handed her a single red rose, this made her blush as she lifted it to her face to smell it. "Thank you." She said before turning on the spot and heading straight into the kitchen to put it in water. She could feel his eyes on her, and if she had any doubt, his silence said it all. Finally he said "You look stunning... as always." As she approached him in the foyer. "Ready?" He asked. "Yes... I am." "Let's go then!"

Johnny sweetly escorted her back to his house, which was a very short walk but in her towering heels more of a mission than it needed to be. "I'm sorry I can't take you out properly, not yet anyway." "Hey don't be, we said we want to keep this low key and besides I kinda like it." "You do?" "Yeah.. it takes the pressure off.. this is nice and more me." She said as they entered his house. "Well make yourself at home doll. I'll grab some wine!" She smiled and headed into the sitting room awaiting his return.

"A crisp white for you Mi'lady." Johnny said passing the large wine glass over to Meghan before heading to the vinyl player and putting a record on. He soon returned and sat beside the woman. "Is this Jeff?" Meghan asked and Johnny nodded. "It is. The legend himself."  "You must miss him." "I do. He was my saviour, man, him and Sandra helped me at some of my darkest times." "Well he must have been a very special man. Here's to him." Meghan raised her glass and Johnny joined her.

After a gourmet meal cooked by a private chef, Johnny led Meghan out the back onto the terrace. He planned to light up a cigar, but found he didn't want to miss her company so had taken her along with him. As they stood admiring the early December night sky she shivered slightly, so Johnny sat in a nearby seat pulling her onto his lap. Her legs went on for days in that skirt and heels combo even though she was only 5ft 4. His hand gently stroked her exposed thigh as they talked. "Thank you once again for your help with Lily on Monday." "It was no problem! How is she doing?" "She's ok.. still limping and milking it for everything she's got." Johnny said with a smirk  "Well when you're a Daddy's girl how can you not?" Megan smiled. Johnny took a drag before saying "I also had words with her about how she was speaking to you at Thanksgiving. That's not acceptable" "Johnny, you didn't need to do that. I get it.. in fact me and her cleared the air a little on Monday anyway." "You did? Does she know about us?" Johnny said concerned. "No, but she thinks I'm like your ex." "WHAT?" Johnny said angrily to which Meghan stroked his arm comforting him. "It's ok.. she's entitled to feel like that. She's protective of her old man.. hell I would be too. You've got to remember she's older than Jack, she remembers and probably saw a lot more than he did. Whether you like it or not, she knows a woman came in and swept her father away, and led him down a dark path, she now knows you were abused by said woman and have been dragged through the mud by her. She doesn't want it to happen again." "It won't." Johnny said sipping his wine. "You know that but she doesn't, so she's playing protector. And I get it, you met me what a few months ago? You have moved me into your spare house.. and we are spending a lot of time together whether she knows the full extent of it or not, and now you're inviting me to family events like Thanksgiving, isn't that how it all started with her?" Johnny closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I guess so.. I'm sorry though that she's behaved like she has with you." "Johnny there's nothing to apologise for. I did it with my step dad for years, it's hard when you're a kid to gain closure especially when you think you know best, besides we made progress Monday. I offered to move out, and she couldn't believe I would do that for her." "You told her you would move out?" "Yes I told her I didn't want to cause issues between the pair of you and therefore I would be more than happy to relocate if it made her happy... turns out she didn't want me to because she told me I could stay remember?" "Ahh.. well for the record you don't always have to do what my kids want." "I know but I wanted to prove to her that her happiness was and very much is important to me. They are good kids John." "Thank you darling.. what a bloody serious intense conversation for a first date.." "Oh well I guess we'll have to make sure the second is far more interesting..." Meghan smirked standing up from his lap, as he escorted her back inside. "I'm getting a second date?" He asked with a cheeky wink. "Well I would say your chances are pretty high baring in mind we've slept together constantly for a month, and I live two doors down. Not like I can avoid you is it?" She laughed as he wrapped his arms around her. "I like this.." he said softly. "What? Standing in your foyer?" "No this." He gestured between the two of them. "Just being us. It's a long time since I could just be me." "You and me both. I feel like I've only just found myself again." Meghan smiled as he lent into kiss her passionately.

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