12. A flight over the past...

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at the abandoned tower, sean teaches yibo how to use his powers. suddenly, yibo realize that someone has been watching them. a friend or a foe? there is no time to find out. yibo must escape!

"we are being watched, yibo! we must fly away! fly as fast as you can. now!" said sean.

"what? do you know who is it is? don't you have some kind of raven-senses to identify the person?" asked yibo.

"maybe you give too much credit to our paranormal abilities. as a hunter, i can recognize the raven's scent." said sean.

"so, you know who's after us!" said yibo.

"they are smart, yibo! they've positioned themselves so that the wind blows in the opposite direction." said sean.

"right! so flying away it is." said yibo.

"on second thought, you're still very new in this. you're not fast enough." said sean.

"what shall we do then?" asked yibo.

"you need to use your powers, yibo! summon all the ravens from the tower! if they attack our pursuer, we'll get time to escape." said sean.

"oh, i think i can do this!" said yibo.

"that's my boy! i mean... sorry.. uhm" said sean.

"don't sweat!" said yibo.

yibo close his eyes and concentrate. he can see it clearly - the invisible strings connecting his chest to every raven around the tower. the bird's hearts beat in sync with his. they are all holding their breaths, waiting for his command. they recognize his power and bow to it.

"head to me, ravens! i need your help. i am yibo and i summon you to my help! attack the foe! buy us some time." said yibo.

for one second, there is nothing but silence. then, he hear a caw - loud and clear. he know how to interpret it. they bow to his command.

"whoa!" said sean.

hundreds of ravens rush towards the tree line, behind which the pursuer is hiding.

"whoa! that  felt so good! now, we fly away." said yibo.

yibo has been flying so fast that even his supernatural raven lungs are burning.

"i think  we've escaped." said yibo.

"that was close, but we made it! you've surprised me, yibo! you're everything one would expect from your family heir to be!" said sean.

"well i still have a lot to learn." said yibo.

"that you do, yibo! and as much as i'd like to say that i'm the only one who can train you..." said sean.

"the infamous rogue accepts the powers of others?" asked yibo.

"indeed. there are things you can learn from dad and zhan too. we might disagree on politics, but they both are powerful shifters." said sean.

"that's nice of you to say." said yibo.

"i'll always choose what's the best for you. and you should use all the help you can." said sean.

"so, what now?" asked yibo.

"it's been a difficult day. i'll take you home if you're tired." said sean.

"i am exhausted. i could use your company if you'd like to stay with me." said yibo.

"are you..." said sean.

"inviting you to stay with me if you'd like." said yibo.

"i'd love to!" said sean.


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