Unleashing the Pain Within

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The Enterprise's debriefing in the observation lounge was a mix of exhaustion and triumph. Xena, Riker, Deanna, Data, and Geordi recounted their intense mission on Cryonos, where they had successfully averted a planet-wide disaster. Captain Picard listened intently, his demeanour a blend of concern and satisfaction.

Xena's usual energy seemed slightly muted, overshadowed by the persistent phantom pain she had been grappling with since their return. She tried to maintain her focus, but the pain was becoming increasingly unbearable. Her fingers clenched and unclenched as she fought to keep her composure. Deanna, seated next to her, felt the waves of distress radiating from Xena. She gently touched Xena's arm, her empathic abilities allowing her to sense the turmoil beneath the surface.

 "Captain," she interjected softly, "I believe Xena has something she needs to share."

All eyes turned to Xena, and her breath hitched as the spotlight shifted to her. She became more uncomfortable and could feel the pain burning her non exsitant leg. She could feel the weight of their gazes, the concern and support tangible in the air. Swallowing hard, she pushed herself to her feet, her movements stiff.

"Captain, if you'll excuse me for a moment," she managed to say, her voice strained.

Picard nodded understandingly. "Of course, Xena. Take your time."Xena's steps were unsteady as she walked to a corner of the observation lounge. The pain in her leg intensified, a burning reminder of her past injuries. It felt as if the cold waters of Cryonos were still clutching at her, refusing to let go. And then, with a surge of frustration and anguish, she tore her prosthetic leg off and hurled it across the room. The metallic clang echoed loudly, silencing the room. Xena's breaths were ragged, her heart racing as the intensity of her emotions consumed her.

"Xena! what hell are you doing," Riker's voice was laced with shock, his concern evident.

"Why can't it just stop?!" Xena's voice cracked as she shouted, her words a raw expression of the pain and anger that had been building within her. "I can't escape it, no matter what I do!"

Deanna's empathic senses picked up on the storm of emotions raging within Xena. She exchanged a glance with Picard, a shared understanding passing between them.

Xena's hands clenched at her sides, her knuckles white. "I've lost my family, my home, and now I'm trapped in this universe with this constant agony. I can't even find relief!" she punches the wall out of frustration

Captain Picard's voice was steady yet empathetic. "Xena! calm down, we're here for you. We want to help."

Xena's breaths were heavy, tears welling up in her eyes as her outburst subsided. She turned to face the crew, her vulnerability on full display. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice quivering. "I didn't mean to..."

Riker's voice was gentle as he approached her. "Xena, you don't need to apologize. We're a team, and we're here to support each other."

Data stepped forward, his analytical mind processing the situation. "Perhaps we can find a way to alleviate your pain. We can explore potential solutions together."

"Don't! leave me alone!"

Geordi's compassionate gaze met Xena's, "hey come sit down you dont have to put her prostect on and we work something out I'm sure Doctor Crusher would have something to help."

"no you dont understand what is happennig first I loose my home, my family now im trapped in my own body I barely know you guys how can I trust you" she hops to her quarters leaving her leg with team. 

in her quarters, Xena cries onto Aspen's fur. This is her home. Aspen is her home or all that's left of her home at least. 

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