.•°¤۞ 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 ۞¤°•.

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To confirm your suspicions, you unraveled the sheet and gasped after realizing it was indeed the same one Aarav said he "lost"

"Son of a..." you whispered under your breath, as your eye fell upon a bunch of other papers that fell out of the boxes. You quickly skimmed them and your expression twisted into worry with each sentence you read. It was full of plans...to sabotage Kaveh.

You knew it.

You dropped the papers and ran out of the room without wasting another second. After taking a moment to calm your frantic mind, you straightened your priorities out. The most important one was to find Kaveh and make sure he was safe. You ran through Kaveh's office, the library, the supervisors room - anywhere that he could have been.

Hope was slowly draining from your heart as the uneasiness in your gut only grew. You stopped a nearby student on his way to class and asked if he had seen Kaveh anywhere while describing him.

"A man with blond hair...?" the student said, taking a moment to think before slowly nodding. "Yes, I think i remember seeing him...he and another man were heading outside to the city, I believe,"

You quickly thanked him and ran outside, scanning your surroundings for any clues.

You were going to find him no matter what.




"Aarav...w-what's going on..." Kaveh asked shakily, slowly backing into the wall away from the tip of Aarav's sharp sword which was pointed directly at his throat.

"You're as oblivious as ever," Aarav glared, pushing the sword even closer. "You really don't remember a thing, do you??"

Kaveh's mind raced with panic as he tried to recall when everything went so wrong. Aarav had called him outside to take a look at his newest drawing and they had been walking for a while before his demeanor completely changed. Before Kaveh knew it, he was cornered in some alley, with a sword against his throat facing a very angry - and very different, Aarav.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!!" Kaveh exclaimed, closing his eyes in fear as he felt the sword against his skin.

"Ha..." Aarav sighed, pulling the sword away. "Of course you don't. It was just a few years ago when you stole everything that belonged to me,"

Kaveh gently massaged the skin where the sword had just been, looking at Aarav confused. "Stole everything..? What do you mean?!"

"I had spent days and nights working hard on a blueprint for almost a year and just when I was about to show the professor, guess who had already stolen my spotlight," he seethed, looking at Kaveh. "Guess who," he asked again, pointing the sword at Kaveh again, who was speechless.

"He didn't even glance at mine because he was too enamored by your pointless designs!!" he yelled. "It happened again and again and again...you stole the professor's attention, then my clients! All your fame...it's supposed to be mine!!" he raged, trembling with anger.

'Y/N was right...' Kaveh thought, nervously gulping. "Aarav...it's still not too late to stop this," he said, trying to maintain his composure.

"Shut up!!" he shouted. "I don't want to hear i-"

Kaveh watched wide eyed as Aarav suddenly gasped before falling onto the floor, unconscious, revealing you standing behind him with your hand raised.

"What was he talking about...?" you asked, looking at Kaveh.

He sighed in relief. "I have no idea,"

۞ 𝑬𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆  ۞ // Kaveh x (FEM) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now