.•°¤۞ 𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 ۞¤°•.

Start from the beginning

"It's more than just a scratch..!" Kaveh said, looking at you with a concerned expression. His brow furrowed and you could see worry in his deep red eyes. You followed your gaze and touched the side of your head,

Your eyes widened as your fingers came away covered in something wet.

"Huh...so I am bleeding," you observed, turning your fingers as you surveyed the dark red blood that coated them. "Eh, it's alright. Not the first time it's happened. What more important now is-"

"No!!" Kaveh yelled, tilting your head up with both of his hands. "We have to do something about it, now!! It could get infected and you could die! There is no way I'm letting you die on me," he said, with genuine fear in his eyes. You were taken aback for a moment, as it had been a while since someone was truly concerned for your wellbeing. And to think...you had only met this man a few days ago.

You sighed in surrender as you took his hands away from your head. "Alright, but there's really no need to make such a big deal out of it," you relented.

Before you could think of what to do, Kaveh immediately ripped off the sleeve of his shirt.

"What are you doin-"

"Just come over here," he said, moving toward you before wrapping the torn sleeve around your head as a makeshift bandage. "That should work for a while," he affirmed with a nod. You could tell he was proud of his handiwork, and from the way he wrapped it so well, his pride was certainly merited.

"Well....thanks," you said, a soft smile forming on your face. You had to admit you felt a little lightheaded, but it wasn't going to stop you now. "Let's keep going...and this time, stay behind me and don't touch anything," you ordered, looking at Kaveh who turned away sheepishly.

The two of you slowly progressed through the pyramid, guided by the gentle gusts of wind that occasionally blew in your direction. Carefully checking each room before entering, the bubble of hope in your chest grew larger as the wind gradually grew stronger. You were almost there.

Just thinking about seeing the sun again gave you enough motivation to push through...just to come face to face with a dead end. Your spirit dampened at once as you realized there was no other exit.

"What...I thought there was another opening...what about the wind..??" you asked aloud, losing hope with every word. The familiar feeling of dread crept up your spine and you tried to push away the emerging thoughts of entrapment to the back of your mind.

"No..it's not possible. Where else is the wind coming from then?" Kaveh asked, his brow furrowing. "Unless..."

You were slowly starting to panic and started picking at your nails as you tried to come up with a way to escape, a way to survive, anything that would keep your mind away from the thoughts of dying.

""Y/N look over here!" Kaveh said, eagerly turning towards you. You gave him a puzzled look as you watched him keenly gesture to the bare wall. "Yea, we're trapped in here, I know..." you said dejectedly.

"No!! Look closer!" Kaveh exclaimed, grabbing your arm and dragging you over to the wall. You took your hand and placed it against the wall. Your eyes widened as you noticed small cracks along the surface and felt a breeze blowing through them onto your palm.

"We just have to break through this wall and we'll be out! It's already cracked so it shouldn't be hard to do, we just need a lot of force." he said, surveying the wall once more.

"You're a genius!!" you exclaimed, grabbing him by the shoulders and grinning from ear to ear.

He grew flustered at the sudden compliment and waved it away. "I didn't do much really, I just noticed i-" he stopped mid-sentence and you saw his eyes widen at something behind you. 

- x -

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۞ 𝑬𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆  ۞ // Kaveh x (FEM) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now