.•°¤۞ 𝑬𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒅 ۞¤°•.

Mulai dari awal

You almost started crying from relief and in these moments of happiness, you rushed into each other's embrace.

"We aren't gonna die!!" you yelled.

"We're going to live...!" Kaveh exclaimed and the two of you started jumping up and down in each other's arms out of excitement. Once you realized what was happening, the two of you quickly separated and you cleared your throat in an attempt to rid the air of any awkwardness.

"Now...we just have to find the other exit," you said with a newfound determination to see the sun again. You only started to properly notice your surroundings after all the panic had left your body. There was no sunlight, but a few torches on the wall provided a dim yet sufficient glow that was bright enough to see the cracked walls of the pyramid and what was ahead.

You held your hand up again and identified the direction the wind was coming from. It was still pretty vague, but some sense of direction was better than nothing.

"Okay...let's just proceed calmly and hopefully we should be out of here in no time," You turned to Kaveh and saw him nodding obediently. You took a deep breath and shifted your focus to looking out carefully for any traps as you started walking ahead, Kaveh following close behind.

You placed your unwavering attention on placing one foot in front of the other, scared that the next step you took would give away and let you fall to your death. You had heard numerous horror stories of people trapped in pyramids and you weren't going to take the risk of making the same mistakes they did.

To try and calm your rattled nerves, you decided to see what Kaveh was up to. Was he nervous too? You turned and froze in shock. He was nowhere to be seen.

You squinted, trying to look around in the dim glow for any sign of Kaveh's silhouette....but it was futile.

"Kaveh..?" you called out anxiously. Did something happen to him? Was he trapped somewhere? You cursed yourself for not paying closer attention to him. "Kaveh...!" you called out, slowly retracing your steps. "Kaveh!!"

It was faint, but you heard a voice replying from the room you just left. You ran over there without hesitation, pulling out your dagger. You rushed into it and let out a cry of relief when you saw Kaveh standing there, facing the wall.

"What happened? Did you get hurt??" you asked, quickly approaching him. He was standing with his arms crossed, staring at the pyramid wall with his mouth open.

"Would you just look at that?" he whispered, gesturing towards the wall with an enamored look in his eyes. "It's just beautiful!"

You stood there for a few moments, refusing to believe it. There was a faded mural on the wall. It looked like colored clay had been smeared onto it, creating something that vaguely resembled people .

"It's simply marvelous! This art is ancient, its value is priceless!" he continued, taking in every detail of the painting with awe.

You felt your eye twitch as annoyance bubbled inside of you. "This is why you stayed back? Are you out of your mind?!" you yelled in an outrage. "You could have gotten trapped or died! I told you to follow me closely!!"

"And ignore this masterpiece?! You're the one that's out of your mind!!" he exclaimed, bewildered. "The ability to appreciate art is an important virtue!!"

You facepalmed and slowly dragged your hand down the side of your face in response.

"Look, you can come back later to see all this stuff okay? Grab some people from your kasherwar group or-"

"Kshawrewar," he interrupted.

".....yea whatever it's called. Just come back later with them. But for now, I want to get out of here alive and I'm responsible for your safety so you have to do what I say, got that?" you instructed him firmly. "Think of your students, they still need help don't they??"

At the mention of his students, the look in his eyes shifted. "No, you're right. They're still in danger, we have to help them as soon as possible," he said, nodding seriously.

Silently relieved that you had convinced him, you motioned for him to follow you and headed further into the pyramid.

You had been walking for a while, turning to check on Kaveh every few minutes to make sure he was still following.

'How big is this pyramid...' you thought, starting to feel exhaustion slowly take over your legs.

"All right let's take a brea-" you turned but to your horror Kaveh was nowhere to be seen. Again. You had just seen him behind you a few minutes ago!??

You were about to call out your name when you heard your own name being called out in the distance. There was no doubt, it belonged to Kaveh.

"He really is a handful..." you sighed to yourself before walking in the direction of his voice. As you neared the area you were in, you could fully make out what he was saying.

"I really didn't mean it to turn out like this..."

You stopped in your tracks and froze, not making a sound. Kaveh's voice wafted through the rooms and it sounded like he was talking to someone...but who??

- x -

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۞ 𝑬𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆  ۞ // Kaveh x (FEM) ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang