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Long ago, before the Dwarves of Durin came to the Lonely mountain, before the Hobbits built their homes in the peace of the Shire, the Fairies roamed the mountains of Middle earth. For hundreds of years the Fae lived in peace and in alliance with the Elves. In the coming years for the first time a dark shadow covered the land. An ancient evil had crept across the lands of Middle Earth first taking a foothold in the realm of the fairies. Nearly every race of Fae was taken by the darkness all but the Mytholonian Fae of the Grey mountains. Hundreds of years past and the dark lord fell. Many say the Mytholoanians were nearly wiped out in their rebellion against Sauron. Fighting with Elves and men to restore Middle Earth with the remainder of their people only fleeing to the Lonely Mountain for refuge. On the mountain a truce was made. There the mighty people of the Mytholonians became the guardians to the Dwarves of Erebor and people of Dale. Safeguarding the line of Durin and protecting the mountain with their magic and relics. For years the Kingdom and prosperity of all these peoples grew, and naught but rumor was heard of the Fae. Stories had spread that Sauron's deeds of evil were due of the aid of the fae people. How the fae encrusted his ring of power with a curse to corrupt even the purest of hearts, to look into the realms of death, but such is rumors. Some even believe the once placid fairy folk turned so dark that they transformed into the fire drakes now residing in the grey mountains, much like the one that had destroyed the city of Dale and stole the Kingdom of Erebor. When Smaug came he slaughtered the Dwarves of Erebor, burned the city of Dale, and took claim to the once placid land. From that day the name of the Mytholonians turned sour in the mouths of men and Dwarves. King Thror claimed they covetted his gold and throne. That the dragon was summoned by the fairy folk who once swore to guard the line of Durin. Since that day anyone who held the mark of a fae were to be slaughtered, written off as enemies of Middle Earth, but that was then, and this is now. 

Amongst the people of Middle Earth who still believed in the good of the Fae,came a prophecy. That one day a warrior with the blood of the Fae would come of age. They would reclaim the Mytholonians forged weapon strong enough to slay a dragon and to stand guard til the Lord of silver fountains returned.

While the story and prophecy of the fairies became tales of legend, many thought the Fae extinct from Middle Earth. Believing that any hope of their guardians return was faded into the years. Since the day of the dragons desolation the Mytholonians, Smaug, and Erebor were never seen again, but if that were true...

...there wouldn't be a story.

⤜𝑻𝐡𝐞 𝐺𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧↦ ❖Thorin Oakenshield❖Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon