"So we just have to look for landmarks that haven't changed."

"What about the old forts?"

"Battery Jasper."


"We're in Battery, right here." Luca pointed to a spot on the map.

Pope nodded, "So if this is parcel nine, then it's somewhere northeast of here."

"Somewhere there." Kie pointed out.


"Over there? Guy's, that's not Tannyhill, that's a subdivision." JJ spoke in confusion.

"Tannyhill Plantation was the entire island. It got sold into smaller pieces over time."

"So we're just looking for an old stone wall."


They were now in the twinkie. The area was a bit more spacious since Evelynn had decided to take a break and throw something's out of the car and into the trunk so they weren't sitting on trash.

She got a comment from Kiara about how she was ruining the Earth by just throwing their trash on the ground, but she simply brushed off with a comment on how the world was coming to an end soon anyways.

"Okay, so the road should split up here."

"Okay." John B listened intently to Luca and Pope's words.

The Antonio and Heyward teens were proven to be the smartest of the group when it came to things like this, so without much discussion, they were paired up.

Luca leaned on the back of the passenger seat to see the map in Pope's hand.

"All right. You're gonna take a left."

JJ hummed, "That looks like a stone wall to me."

"This is it."

"Are you sure?" Evelynn commented, looking out the back window.

"I'm sure."

JJ held his hand out for Kirsten to grab, the girl shook her head in response, "Oh, no thank you."

"Huh?" He turned to her, blue eyes boring into brown ones as he look for any signs of discomfort.

"This is the Crain house."

"Not the Crain house." John B groaned.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Worst-case scenario." JJ shrugged, "I'll take care of you."

Kirsten chuckled, letting him take her hand. She had fully expected him to let go, only to frown as she felt him intertwine their fingers.

"Why'd it have to be here... of all places?"

"I heard that Mrs. Crain buried her husband's head on the property."

"That's fun." Luca huffed, allowing Evelynn to latch onto his arm.

"Said no one ever."


"Look, you guys know whose house this is, right?"

"It's not like we went over this before we ventured off into the woods of the place." Evelynn mumbled, grunting as her sleeve got caught in a branch.

"Oh, yeah. No, I do." JJ said, swinging his and Kirsten hands.

"Honestly, I don't really believe the stories of this place." John B admitted to them.

"Hey, shut up." Evelynn turned around to glare at him.

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