Case 4. Love Murderer: Chapter 11. Throat Cutting

Start from the beginning

"Oh..." Zhan Zhao gasped. He always thought that his mother was a full-time housewife. Bai Yutang handcuffed the person who was held down and looked at Mrs. Zhan in surprise. "Auntie, can you fight again me when we have time?"

Mrs. Bai glared at Bai Yutang. "What are you talking about?!"

At this time, the sound of an ambulance siren was heard in the distance, and the car stopped nearby. As soon as the doctor came down to see the situation, someone took over from Gong Sun and carefully carried the boy into the ambulance. He was then driven to the hospital for emergency treatment. Bai Chi, Zhao Zhen, Da Ding and Xiao Ding followed to assist.

Bao Sir called the police and asked them to bring a police dog team to help search the mountain.

Bai Yutang took the man into custody and asked the girl, "is this him?"

The girl shook her head and said, "No... The man earlier was wearing a mask... and much taller."

When they looked at the man again, they saw that he was wearing a very old shirt. The man was also bald, stout and slightly chubby. He seemed a little fierce.

"Who are you? What are you doing in the woods in the middle of the night?" Bai Yutang asked him.

The man looked up at Bai Yutang and said, "are you a policeman?"

"Yes." Bai Yutang nodded.

"I saw the man you were looking for." The man said, "is he very tall, wearing a white mask with only two holes on it, and black clothes?"

"Yes." The girl nodded hurriedly. "That's him."

"He ran away." The man said. "He bumped into me. I was almost scared to death."

Bao Sir asked the man, "what's your name? Why are you here in the middle of the night?"

The man sighed and said, "my name is Qian Gui. I was wanted by the police for drug trafficking. I wanted to avoid seeing anyone, so I'm hiding in the mountains for a couple of days. I didn't expect to be scared by that man. Then I bumped into you guys, so I ran away."

Bai Yutang frowned, then wanted to look for the man again in the woods. However, it was dark, and the man had most likely run away by now, so he could only wait for help from the police dog team. Zhan Zhao asked the girl, "didn't you guys go back to the village? What are you doing here?"

"We..." The girl cried regretfully, "I was going to go back, but he said he still hasn't calmed down, and wanted to finish it... so we came here... and then..."

Everyone shook their heads, thinking that these two youngsters were too ignorant.

"And then..." The girl went on while sniffling, "we got to the tree... When we were kissing, he leaned against the tree, and then the man suddenly flashed out with the knife and cut his neck. I shouted in horror, then the man turned and ran away."

"You mean the man was already behind the tree when you came?" Zhan Zhao asked.

"Mmm." The girl nodded. "We didn't see anyone approaching. He was probably hiding behind the tree."

"That means he was already nearby when we came." Bao Sir said. "Who could it be? Why kill a student for no reason?"

Everyone shook their heads, while Gong Sun patted Bai Yutang and said, "where is the body of the forest keeper? I'll do an autopsy."

"Okay." Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao went back to the cabin with Gong Sun. Bai Jintang and the others packed up their tents, put out the bonfire, and gathered at the side of the cabin.

Li Siben walked to the cabin with Lu Ban and Lilia, who were fighting as they walked. Lu Ban's attention always seemed to be attracted towards something by the side of the road. Li Siben bit it on the back of its neck and threw it to the front.

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