Chapter Seventeen: Past Revealed

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Len POV.

Flashback, two years ago...
"Len is the best, isn't he?" A girl said.

"I know, I so envy Emma for being his little sister, he's smart, kind, brave, strong and have future, I would do anything to marry him." Another girl said. I walked on the hall next to me Emma and my precious girlfriend Rei.

"Hi Len!" A girl greeted me and I smiled at her.

"I love you Len, please be my boyfriend!" A girl shouted and I bring Rei close to me.

"Sorry, but Rei is the only one for me." I said and kissed Rei's cheek.

"Yes, I only love Len." Rei said. Oh man, my life is great, though I wish I have male friends, all girls love me, but all the guys are jealous of me. Well maybe one day I'll have a male friend.

"Good morning, Len, Emma, Rei." Marie said.

"Good morning, how are you?" Emma said.

"So great, I'm glad that Tom is in another school, but I'll miss Kim, she was such a sweet heart." Marie said. The bell rang and all of us head to our classes.

After school I snuck from my work with Emma and we went to the basketball court where I play randomly with other guys, honestly, this is only place where people treat normally, wish I could stay here forever, sometimes they invite me for dinner, but I can't because of work. "Len man! Did you bring your little sister with you?" Chris asked.

"Yes, she's over..." I trailed off when I see a man grabbing her arm. I charge at him and with one punch, I knocked the man out.

"Wow, man, you're so strong." Chris said.

"Of course, I would do the same thing with you if you come near my sister." I said.

"Cool there man, we just wanted to play, oh look, Ken came with his step-sister and her friend." Chris said. "Hey, Ken, Sally and of course Jack!"

"That's me, Jack the one and only." Jack said and turned to me, his cheeks flush and he smile. "Wow, you look like a prince."

Rina POV.

Present day...

"Wait, did you just say Jack?!" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" Len asked.

"So that guy was you, I didn't recognize because of the glasses, you didn't used to wear glasses that time and you're so skinny now and taller." I said happily.

"Have we met before?" Len asked confused.

"Jack was me! It's my nickname, I used to be smaller." I said and I used to think that he's a prince, how embarrassing.

"Now I see why I felt like I met you before, too bad you didn't get any taller." Len said and I blushed. So that's why I fell in love with Len quickly even though I tried to deny it, it's because I've been yearning for him.

"Well, aren't you going to continue?" I asked and he remembered.

Len POV.

two years ago...

We played together until it was night. "Oh, look at the time, I must go, before the- I mean my parents get worried, they are such a worrywart." I lied, the truth is I must go before the guard start to look for me and Emma.

"They're so much to play, I was talking to Sally when you were playing, she's such a nice girl." Emma said. We went to our own bedrooms. I looked outside. Our house is the highest spot in the town so I can see the whole town. I sighed and suddenly my phone rang, I smiled at the name showed up.

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