You and me

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"I have some letters for you!" I laugh sitting on the bed next to violet who was laying down on her side facing me

I spread my legs out, setting 7 letters on the bed in between my legs. "Oh chéri... how many more letters do we need?" I roll my eyes grabbing one of the opened letters

"I only made one from last week, but these are the old ones....I don't think you've seen them," she raises her eyebrows sitting up taking one from my hand

She reads out the words on the envelope "To my dearest crush. From anonymous." A bright smile surfaces on her lips. This is embarrassing.

She takes the light blue letter out, a faint smell floral smell coming from it, I forgot I made the scented. "Dear Violet" she reads out

I come closer taking a look at my own words, scrunching my face up seeing how cringey I sound , "I'm so glad I didn't give you that letter" I shake my head grabbing another letter

"Well I'm glad you told me in highschool rather than giving me a letter and putting anonymous." I whine throwing a letter at her "I was just trying to be mysterious!"

"It's not very mysterious if I knew it would be you. Who else would give me letters?" I roll my eyes reading another letter, a letter from when we started dating

"Awww look at this photo!" I point at the small photo at the bottom of the page, a photo of me and her sitting together on our first date

"Ewww my hair!" She looks at the photo trying to take it away but I dodge and laugh wavering my hand around with the letter so she couldn't grab it

"You look so cute! We look so cute!" She huffs stopping grabbing more letters looking at all the photos and little poems we made for each other

I grab the last letter feeling something hard inside of it. I shake the envelope upside down revealing a small note and usb "Get the laptop." Violet grabs the laptop from her nightstand, we hurriedly set up everything then look at what was inside in it

"I forgot about this!" We both smile snuggling up to each other looking at the three videos and a lot of photos along with it. We made videos for each other and agreed to look back on it when we grew up

"Let's look at yours first" violet clicks on my video before I can protest. I cringe but feel so warm looking at my old self and how happy I am with violet

I was sitting in my old room, facing the window giving a bright look making sure you can see my face properly. I sit in front of the camera with a shy face

"Hi future senna and violet! It's younger senna. I don't know what I should say... but I do hope I am still with violet. You make me the happiest person on earth when I'm with you and I sure hope theres a ring on my finger one day." I wave  my left hand around shortly before setting it down again

I look down at my hand holding the laptop seeing the diamond ring, bringing a smile to my face as I look at violets similar one on her hand

I heart a short chuckle as she listens to the rest of the video while I sit and admire her watching it. I look back down to the video seeing only a couple seconds left till we watch violets

"This is a bit weird but its me! Who is you! And I will show you something I had just learnt and case you forgot!"

I squeeze my eyes shut, peaking with one eye open  while snuggling my head closer on violets shoulder "ughhh nooo" I whine seeing myself start doing cartwheels as I had just learnt from violet two days before we made the video

I end with a handstand the failed miserably and ended up on the floor. Violet enters the room with a panicked face hearing a loud thump

"I'm ok im ok violet. Hey! You're not supposed to be in this room till it's your turn!" I push violet out of the room as she rushes out laughing holding her stomach

I end the video with a goodbye holding my back with a hurt face. "That must've hurt bad" violet giggles making me roll my eyes "well let's see what your video is" I leave a smile on my face clicking next to a video of violet

"Hi senna! It's violet, the younger version of that old hag!" I widen my eyes laughing seeing her old self call herself that "what the hell is wrong with me" violet scrunches her face watching her old self

"Hopefully I still am in to Writing and read your cute letters!. I have to admit I knew it was you who sent those letters before we got together. Putting anonymous was not very anonymous..."

I laugh looking at the old letters beside us, tears filling my eyes, I hook my arm around violets listening to her younger self rant about me not being careful and always being so dangerous, she talks about wanting to continue writing and how much she loves me

After me and violet look at all the photos we come up with an idea

After finishing loading up all the photos of us we start.
"Ok so I'll go first and then you alright?" Violet nods walking out of the room while I sit in front of the camera, right where the window was to get some better lighting

I click start on the video, holding some letters in my hand

"Hi future Violet and senna, it's me.again." I give a warm smile waving my hand "I am married to Violet !"

We finish our little videos and sweet talks, saving it in to a usb, naming the tittle "you and me"

Quick draft 😛

Happy reading❤️❤️

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