4❘ Entrance Exam

Start from the beginning

No matter how many times she apologized or how many times Katsuki told her that he didn't blame her, she felt like it wasn't enough. Not until she achieves her dreams of becoming a Hero one day; a Hero people can look up to and trust to protect them. Just like her mother.

Izuku let out a massive sigh of relief beside her, knocking the girl out of her thoughts, "I guess I just got scared out of habit."

Haruka gave him a weak smile before a thought popped into her mind that caused her to perk up, "OH! How did it go? How did he give it to you? Do you feel any different?"

All Might had trusted the girl with his secret about his power, One For All. How it was a sacred torch passed down for generations, and how Izuku was to be the next wielder of One For All.

Izuku had been training his body for the past ten months to inherit the man's Quirk before the Entrance Exam. Haruka had joined the boy in his training when she wasn't training herself with Katsuki, often spending it encouraging the boy and talking to All Might about how he knew her mother.

"I'd say it went well, though I don't feel much different. I was so nervous that I would be late that I didn't have time to test it out. To inherit it, you need to swallow some of his DNA. So, he handed me a piece of his hair and said: Eat this," Izuku pulled his best All Might impression as he pretended to pull out his hair and hand it to Haruka.

Haruka snorted as she tried to hold in her laughter, her lips quivering and her eyes watering from her attempt. One final look at Izuku's All Might face made her lose it as she flung her head back with a loud cackle erupting from her mouth.

Izuku soon joined her, clutching his stomach slightly as the two got strange looks from the few stragglers arriving for the exam. The two ended their hysterical laughter, Haruka grinning from ear to ear as she looked at the boy, "I'm proud of you, Zuku! You're one step closer to achieving your dreams!"

"Yeah!" Izuku cheered, his hands gripping tightly at his bag's straps, "Thanks to you and All Might, I'm actually going to be a Hero!"

The boy was bouncing with excitement as he went to take a step forward. He misplaced his foot, tripping over his own two feet as he fell forward. Haruka gasped, reaching out to grab the boy when a girl with short, brown hair appeared on the other side of him with a quick tap to his bag.

Izuku froze mid-air, hovering above the ground as the girl spoke with amusement in her voice, "Heh, are you okay?"

The boy noticed he was floating and began freaking out, kicking his legs in the air before turning to the girl in shock. The girl giggled as she helped Izuku to his feet before bringing her fingertips together to form a diamond shape.

Izuku hunched over slightly; her hold on him disappearing. Haruka smirked at her friend as he looked at the girl with dusted cheeks as if he had never interacted with a member of the opposite sex up until now.

"I stopped you with my Quirk. I'm sorry I didn't ask first, but. . ." The girl gave him a close-eyed smile as she explained, "I figured you wouldn't mind me catching you!"

Haruka shook her head as Izuku continued to stare at the girl, smacking his shoulder lightly before giving the girl a smile of her own, "He says thank you."

"Oh, it's no problem! I just thought I could help," The girl gripped the straps of her bag as she leaned backwards slightly, "Isn't this all, like, way nerve-racking?"

Izuku tried to stutter out a response and Haruka gave him an expected look before snorting to herself when the boy came up with nothing. She shook her head in amusement at her friend as she sent her fellow brunette a lopsided grin, "I agree! Due to nerves, I've been going back and forth between excitement and wanting to run back home."

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