4❘ Entrance Exam

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Chapter 4 \ Entrance Exam❝Ow! Did that hurt you as much as it did me?❞❝Oh, um, no

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Chapter 4 \ Entrance Exam
❝Ow! Did that hurt you as much as it did me?❞
❝Oh, um, no. Honestly, I didn't even feel it.❞


Haruka had long forgotten about the peppermint-haired mystery boy she had run into, the interaction at the back of her mind as she walked through the entrance gate to UA High with Katsuki at her side.

A tall white banner was off to the side with large words written on it; 'UA High School Entrance Exam Location'.

Haruka could feel the nervousness and excitement inside of her swirling around in a gruesome battle, both fighting for their lives to come out victorious. Ultimately, it came to a standstill as the girl fiddled with her fingers in front of her chest while she grinned at the towering building in front of her.

"Stupid Deku. . ." Katsuki muttered from beside her causing the girl to look in front of her.

Izuku stood there with a slightly surprised look, "Kacchan! Ruka!"

"Zuku!" Haruka greeted the boy with a genuine smile and closed her eyes as she tilted her head, happy to see her friend.

"Get out of our way, now, before I set you on fire," Katsuki threatened as he glowered at Izuku, a line forming between his eyebrows as he glared.

Izuku grew nervous as he yelped, jumping in fear as he started waving his arms wildly in front of him, "Oh hey, g'mornin'! Um, let's all do our best out there, okay? Good luck!"

Katsuki didn't say anything else as he continued walking past Izuku, not realizing Haruka had stopped beside the boy. The girl watched with a slight frown as he made his way toward the school's front doors with his hands shoved deep into his pockets.

"I think that's the kid who withstood the sludge villain. His name's Bakugou, right?"

"Yeah. He's the real deal."

Haruka glared at the two boys not too far from them as they talked about Katsuki as if he wasn't walking past them. She sighed, thinking back to that day.

She and Izuku had stumbled upon the incident on their way home and were shocked to see Katsuki in the clutches of the sludge villain. Haruka froze at the sight, shivering as the ghost of the sludge from the villain seeped back into her lungs and over her flesh. She could have sworn she stopped breathing for a second as the panic of seeing one of her best friends in the same position flooded her system.

She never wanted to feel that helpless feeling ever again, especially when someone she cared about had been suffering right before her eyes. She knew how it felt to be suffocated by the monster; she knew exactly what Katsuki was feeling at that very moment.

Yet I did nothing to help him. . . the girl thought.

Haruka regretted her actions, or lack thereof, to this day. How was she supposed to become a Hero one day when she froze in fear at the sight of that monster? Her mother wouldn't have hesitated to save a person in need.

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