* * * * *

Moments later, Auron returned.

"Where'd you go?" Jecht gruffed. Apparently he'd already returned to his usual self.

"To the farplane . It's not that far from here."

I sat up. "Aren't we already in the farplane?" I asked.

"We're in the entrance to the farplane. The actual farplane is beyond the waterfalls." He gestured to the massive falls that surrounded us like walls. "That, is where the true farplane resides."

I cocked my head to the side. "So how the hell do we get in there?"

"You'll see." He looked to Jecht. "I want you two to go ahead without me, in the direction i just left."

What? He wanted us to leave him? "What about you?"

"I'll be fine. Just go."

Jecht was already up and stretching out. "Come on, boy. Gettin' sick of these damn flowers any way. They're makin' my allergies act up." He wiped his eye. Allergies, huh. Yeah, right. Whatever. We took off in the direction Auron had come from.

Jecht stayed ahead of me. He hid it well from Auron, but i could tell he was still getting over what i told him. I decided to ignore it, since he wouldn't accept any comforting words from me anyway. A few minutes of running later, we saw a speck in the distance. "What's that?" I asked between breaths. I wasn't to tired from running, but i wasn't used to it either. Running and swimming were two different things. "Dunno." He answered. "Let's find out." We picked up speed.

Two minutes later, the object was right in front of us. "What the...?" Jecht mumbled. He slowed down. I didnt stop running until i was right up on it.

"Okay..." i panted, hands on my knees. "What..is going...on?"

Auron stood in front of me, in the exact stance he'd taken when we first left.

we'd somehow ended up in the exact same place we started.

He didn't start talking until Jecht caught up.

"What's going on." Jecht growled. He hadn't even broken a sweat.

"The farplane is a place for the dead." Auron stated. "Since you two aren't dead, I believe this is It's way of denying you entrance."

"So how do we get in?" I asked. This whole situation was getting more and more complicated.

"I'm going to try and cast a stop spell around the area to freeze whatever's causing this. The spell won't last too long so we'll have to start moving as soon as it's cast. Be ready."

Once Auron was done casting, we took off. The farplane had come to a complete stop. The pyreflies hung frozen in midair, and even though they weren't solid, it was a little unnerving to be running straight through them. Auron and Jecht ran side-by-side ahead of me. I wasn't too far behind though. In a matter of minutes, we'd closed the distance between us and the falls.

"You mean to tell me they were that close?!" Jecht yelled.

"Keep going. We're not there yet."

When we were ten feet from the falls, the spell broke.

"RUN!" Auron urged.

We pushed forward, and suddenly the ground shook. "What the hell is that?!" Jecht yelled. The farplane rumbled, like something was literally moving the ground up under us. I tripped and stumbled to the ground. The falls were dead infront of me, but the grounds severe shaking was so disorienting i couldn't move. I heard Jecht stumble behind me.

FINAL FANTASY X- another chapterWhere stories live. Discover now