Chapter 10: Lying Isn't All That Bad

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Emily and Sam brought the food while everyone started laughing at us for what they called a "stupid bet."

"Sorry Hayley, but there is no way that you're going to win this!" Paul said. I punched him in the arm, lightly of course, especially after what happened before with Jake, and stuck my tongue at him.

"Says you. Don't underestimate me." I didn't get it. Sam told me that Paul had this huge anger management problem, but he really didn't seem like a bad guy.

I got up from the table and headed towards the kitchen. Before I walked out of the room, I turned back to the group. "Anyone else want to join in on the bet?"

I didn't expect anyone to join in, and I was right. It was just me and Embry.

"Embry's an eating machine!" Jared called out. "No one here eats or drinks faster than him! Be prepared Hale!"

"I'm not worried," I said, smirking. "You don't have any allergies, right Embry?"

Embry shook his head no.

"Good," I said right before I walked into the kitchen. I took the blender that was lying on the counter and looked in the fridge. Oh, I was gonna make him throw up on this one. Living next to the Juice Net Cafe and having Emma work there really was beneficial for me now. I made up the perfect combination. I was pretty sure that I could take it, but could he?

After putting in pickles, ketchup, mustard, strawberries, and a few other things that I highly doubt anyone would want to know, I turned the blender on and waited for it to become liquid enough for us to drink.

I almost puked as I was pouring it into two cups. It was this disgusting yellow color with a few spots of brown and red. I made sure that the drinks were equal so that I wouldn't be called out on cheating.

Ah, what the heck. I decided to have a little fun with it. I froze the middle of both drinks. He would never be able to get it thawed in time for him to win. I could always show him that mine was frozen too, proving that neither of us had an unfair advantage, and then I could melt mine again, which would guarantee me the win.

I probably would actually never do that - I was too much of a goody-goody to cheat - but it would be fun to mess with Embry.

I took both of the drinks and headed out towards the table. When I walked in, there was pretty much no food left on the table.

"Hey! I don't get any food?" I complained.

"Nah," Jake said as he was finishing up his plate. "We all saved some for you."

"Sure you did. The scraps. Thanks a lot," I mumbled. Everyone laughed. "Thanks for showing some sensitivity, guys!" They only laughed harder.

I sat down in my chair and gave the cup to Embry. "There you go, hun," I said with an overly happy smile on my face.

"Did you do something to this?" he asked warily.

"Nah. Why would you think that?"

He stared at me long and hard, before he finally believed me.

"Okay," I said. "So the first one to finish their drink is the winner. Got it?"

He nodded his head.

"Ready, set, go!"

I gulped down my first sip and I almost wanted to throw up. It was disgusting! I mean, me and Rikki used to do this all of the time, but nothing ever tasted this bad!

I guess Embry thought that it was disgusting too, because he literally spit the stuff onto his plate.

"What the hell did you put into this Hale?"

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