Chapter 9: Protective much?

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I was still fuming when Esme called out to me.

"Come on, let's go in the kitchen," Esme said as she walked into the kitchen. I followed her and found her making a salad. Guilt instantly consumed my body. She was only being nice to me, and I just created a whole fight within her family.

"I'm really, really sorry about that," I said to Esme. "I'm usually not like that, but when they started talking about Sam, I snapped."

"Hey don't worry about it," a voice said from behind me. I yelped and turned around and saw Emmett behind me. When he heard my scream, he laughed. "Do you get scared easily? But anyway, Edward just PMS's sometimes. That, and he can't shut his big mouth when it comes to anything to do with Bella and your brother and his friends. Don't blame yourself."

He jumped up on the counter and started kicking his legs on the counter behind him. He was so child-like! But it made me happier. "I guess," I said. "But I still feel really bad. And why just my brother and his friends?"

"Like I said, don't. And they didn't really have a good first impression on each other. Neither of them like the other."

I nodded my head. I guess that made sense.

"So anyway, I heard that you just moved her. Where'd you move from?" he asked.


"Australia? A bit of a change in scenery, don't you think?"

"Tell me about it. I wish I was back in the sun right now," I said, throwing my hands up and twirling around.

"Aw, come on. Rainy Forks isn't that bad, is it?"

"Eh, I'll tell you later how I think of it, once I get a better impression of this town."

"But doesn't knowing me make it a whole lot better?"

"Actually, it's one of the things that makes me not like it," I teased. I started to laugh once Emmett started to fake pout. It was really cute, and he made me forget about what happened in the living room before.

"Here you go, Hayley," Emse said as she handed me my salad.

"Thanks," I said. I took a bite out of it, and the lettuce filled my mouth as I continued to eat. "It's really good," I said between bites. Both Emmett and Esme laughed as lettuce fell out of my mouth and back into my bowl.

After she finished cleaning up, Esme left the kitchen and went back out in the living room. I heard her start talking to Carlisle and Alice, but they went into the other room before I could understand anything that they were saying.

I finished my salad and looked at the time. Seeing that it was 4:30, and that I also didn't want to see Bella or Edward again, I decided that I should probably go.

"I'm going to go now," I said to Emmett as I put my bowl in the sink.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. No offense, but I don't wanna see Edward or Bella again."

"Then I'll drive you back," he said, reaching for the car keys.

"Nah, you don't have to. I kinda just want to walk home," I said.

"Alright. See you later Hale."

"Bye Em!" I yelled back to him as I started to head towards the front door. When I reached the front door, I turned back and I saw Carlisle looking at me with weird expression on his face.

I just shrugged it off though, and continued out the front door. I walked down their incredibly long driveway and started down the road. I wanted to go for a swim, so I decided to go to that beach that I saw when I was driving to school with Jake.

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