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This art is mine :)
Just what I imagine you like, and the green is meant to be your f/c.
That's just mine, you can imagine what you want.
ALSO, the difference between Y/n and You is that You is in second person.


I (fake) laughed as Hiccup helped me up, "I-I'm fine... No worries! I just forgot I could do that." Hiccup's face displayed horror as he asked, "When could you do this?" I flinched, "Three days ago, the day I died. Life came and resurrected me, saying she would visit in a few years." Toothless eagerly hopped up and down, and you scratched him on the neck,
"Yeah Toothless, your GIRLFRIEND." He immediately stopped, shooting a glare as I smirked. "You know what I mean." You suggested, and he turned around, pouting. His scales had an odd white glow near the cheeks, and you laughed, "Someone has a cruuussshhhhh!" Toothless shook his head and refused to look at you.

"Anyways, this isn't my story, It's yours." I say, poking Hiccup in the chest. "Ow." He whines, and I simply say; "Oh, grow up." And I kissed him. Millions of thoughts rushed once more, and I quickly broke the kiss, shaking my head and saying,
"Sorry! Headache!" Hiccup laughed, "Who's telling me to grow up now?" I punch him in the shoulder. "AAgh! Y/n!" he groans, and now I was the one laughing. Hiccup then asks, "Want to go for a fly?" I nod, turn dragon, and take off. Moments later, Hiccup meets me in the air, cheering.


You turned back into a human and fell onto Toothless' back. Hiccup turns around and asks, "Are you okay?" You shrug, "Are you?" He nods, and so do you. He grumbles, "You're saying if I'm alright you are alright, but are you REALLY okay?"
You nod, and he jumps off of Toothless. You transform and catch him, putting him back on his dragon as you continue to soar. "Hey Toothless." You greet, and Toothless answered, "Don't use me as an excuse for ignoring Hiccup." You groan, "Okay, I'm not okay. I'm FINE. I'm still alive, and that's all I need."

Toothless went in for a nosedive, causing you to follow, concerned. He landed on an island, nudging you to tell Hiccup. You turn back, but you don't. "I don't want drama, so I'll just say that we are both depressed people and have disowned our own feelings."
You sigh, and Hiccup nods, pulling you into a hug. He messes up your hair. "KHDsjhadvjlmna- Hiccup!" You complain, "I actually had my hair cut today!! WHYYYYY...." He chuckled, and you decided to get revenge. He gasped as you jumped to reach his head, catching your arm before it touched is hair.

You look down at your legs, then look up at Hiccup. "I'm short." You realized, and he snorted, almost toppling over if it weren't for you holding him up.
Of course, this allowed another romantic moment, therefore another kiss. Toothless watched in awe as he watched his ship come true.

Maybe, everything would be just fine... 

You two flew back, and the first thing you saw was your mother and father on their knees, begging Stoick, who's expression displayed pure anger.
"W-we're sorry for raising s-such a pitiful c-child, Chief..." your father muttered, "We're t-trying to toughen them u-up now."

Stoick pinched his nose and grumbled, "That's not why I'm here. I'm here because you're going to jail for child abuse."
Two vikings went ahead and dragged them away. He turned to you and Hiccup, and you swore the male next to you flinched.

You relaxed slightly, even in your dragon form, whilst Toothless nudged Hiccup's elbow, saying, "Bud, are you okay?" Hiccup stood, frozen, staring at his father, wide-eyed. "H-how did you know?" Hiccup asked his father, and Stoick replied, laughing, "Gothi. She practically burst into our house, before handing me a paper and storming out."
Hiccup smiled, eyes tearful as he ran and hugged his dad. "Thank you." He whispered, and although Stoick's form was originally stiff from surprise, the Chief relaxed and held his son. When Hiccup let go, the two exchanged awkward glances and turned around, fake coughing. You grumbled and shook your head, They still have a long way to go.

You shifted back, before walking up and patting Stoick on the back, "Sorry." before turning back to Toothless. They say that you were a viking of many words. This is true, mentally. Physically though, you DO need some work.
Your head was buzzing with all the sarcastic comments you never shared, or the information you had that nobody would listen to. Stuff like that. After a moment of thinking, you smiled when you realized who would be listening to you now: Hiccup.

Hiccup turned to you, smiling and asking, "What are you thinking about?"
You grinned back, "Freedom."

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