The Maze & The Eel

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In the morning, during training, I had to shout over the dragon's growling to ask, "WHAT ABOUT THE NIGHTFURY PAGE?!" I was ignored, as always. "IS THERE A SQUEL TO THE BOOK OR SOMETHING??" I tried, but again, no response.
I just barely dodged a fire stroke as Gobber yelled, "FOCUS, Hiccup! You aren't even trying!" I mutter bitterly, to quiet for anyone to hear, "Oh great. So now he cares about what I have to say." And about my useless life. 

I rushed out of the dragon's way, as I tried to escape it. It was much faster though, and I was thankful when it changed courses moments later. It gave me time to breathe and get my life priorities together.
All I could hear was the sound of spikes and Fishlegs screaming. I winced at the bloodied image of what his body would look like and shivered. "Look for its blind spot." Gobber advised, sounding bored, "Every dragon has one." 

Astrid motioned for me to get down, Snotlout behind her. I didn't really understand the situation until I felt Y/n (Who had been behind me somewhat the whole time without me knowing) pull me down to the ground. I sputtered but got into my stance.
Then, while the dragon was looking around, Astrid and Snotlout flipped over to the next wooden bord. Y/n just walked (psychopath), and when I tried flipping and it didn't work, I cursed and ran. The chase was on once more.

So, Snotlout tried to hit it with his axe, and Astrid knocked down the wooden walls to the training center. Now, there was nothing to hide behind anymore, and I closed my eyes for a second and prayed that I'd come out alive. I tried to get more information on Nightfuries from Gobber, but all he wanted to do was shout,
"Hiccup! Watch out!" He always gives me advice too late. Astrid ended up falling on me, her axe in my shield. She ended up stepping on my face (purposefully) to get it back. Y/n appeared, before slapping her upside the head. "Is this a joke?!" She seethed, and Y/n held their hand up, threatening to slap her again. Astrid stomped off, not able to finish what insult she was going to say.

I left. Toothless was my only friend, and he's a dragon. I knew I was annoying him, but at this point, I had nothing else to do. I need him to trust me, unless he wants to live in this giant hole his whole life.
I made sure to feed him a basket of fish, and I was shocked when he growled at the eels (along with the fact he had retractable teeth). I made sure to make a mental list of that, tossing it into the water, dead. He ate the rest of the food. I finally came to terms that this was a Nightfury, and I somehow wasn't dead. Unfortunate.

When the dragon made it clear that he wanted to be alone, I went over to a rock and sat. It was getting late, but I didn't care. I knew my father wouldn't.
I found a good stick and doodled in the sand. It was only then did I see a shadow and look over and saw toothless (his new name). I quickly turned around and went back to drawing, trying not to feel awkward.

Then, the dragon left, and I heard the snapping of a tree as I watched him too, draw in the sand. I saw him stand up on his hind legs in order to see what he was drawing. Huh. Didn't know he could do that. Or draw.
He really managed to move quite well on just two legs. Usually, dragons go on four, like dogs or cats (usually rare in the village, as it was a dragon's favorite meal). This was new. And interesting.


I slept in the arena last night. I wasn't up for my parent's usual beatings, so I live there part-time in the dragon's pens.
They liked me because I was mellow and didn't try to approach them. I also never gave them a reason to kill me. I mean, I never tried to hurt them, even in training.

I sat up, attempted to tame my hair, and went to sit in the middle of the room. I closed my eyes, aware that doing this, I may have let a dragon out. I didn't mind though, and neither did it, as it laid next to me. I ignored it, taking a deep breath in, then a deep one out.
I was meditating, in hopes to have better stealth and keep a straight face. I didn't want to be approached, so I usually tried to make myself as distant as possible while not seeming rude.

My mind flashed to Hiccup, and I sagged slightly. Poor guy. I remember Stoick yelling at him that one night, and I stayed there because I was afraid the Chief was going to hit him. I'm upset that the others kept teasing and insulting him, when they could try to help him and his abilities. Although that could just ruin his empathy.
There's a reason he can't harm dragons. He's too smart, therefore too empathetic, and knowing this, we won't be able to slay the dragon in the finals in the future. Unlike the others, I didn't doubt his chance in winning. I know he has something up his sleeves.

Everyone came in early that day, and I think Snotlout tripped over me twice. I ignored him and kept sitting, waiting for Hiccup. When Hiccup hesitantly entered the arena, I stood and turned looking at him. Now, everyone noticed his entrance.
So, Gobber let out the next dragon, a Zippleback. Two heads, one has gas, the other is like flint and steel. Lights it. As soon as it's out it starts circling everyone, about to light. I climb the arena, grabbing onto its sides and watching.

"Get out there." Gobber grumbles, "You need to learn how to kill a dragon if you want to win." I turned to him and said, "I don't." He was slightly shocked; but that went away when he asked, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! Why are you here??"
I turned my head, refusing to answer. He sighed and said, "I'm going to question you later." Straight face and another ignored statement. I dropped back down, picking up my bucket and handing it to Hiccup. He nodded, before holding his hand out to the dragon.

It instantly got scared, and eventually went back into its cage. 'Sly bastard.' I thought, 'He used an eel to get it to go back!'  I gave him a thumbs up.
Then, He threw the eel in, and I walked in before the cage was closed and took the eel. Eel was disgusting, but I wasn't afraid of a long, stringy, gross dead fish.

Hiccup watched as I put it in my shirt and sucked up my stomach.
He didn't say anything as we (the group and us) walked across a wooden bridge.
I flung the eel there, and I was thankful that nobody noticed.

I was also thankful that Gobber didn't keep his word.

/No POV/

When the others left, the pair stayed behind. Hiccup grabbed Y/n by the wrist and was going to guide her to his dragon. They winced, and he changed from wrist to hand. Hiccup blushed, but Y/n didn't have to look at his face to know.
His hands were getting sweaty, how cute. Then, without question, Y/n followed him into the forest. Hiccup didn't even have to say anything.

When Hiccup stopped, Y/n almost ran into him.
When Y/n saw the area, they easily slid down and into the pit.

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