Astrid & The dragons

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Y/n slid down into the pit, and I called, "Wait! Watch out for-" it was too late. Are they dead?? Toothless pounced on them, and I slid down hurriedly to check on Y/n. What I really found was Toothless hugging Y/n, sandwiching them between the ground and himself.
Y/n laughed and pushed him off lightly. The dragon complied, but instead, picked Y/n up in his scaly arms carefully, carrying them around and hugging them. I could feel my face burning once more. Y/n usually kept to themself, quiet and collected, but now, Y/n was laughing, playing with a dragon.

I sat on a rock, watching as Toothless carried them on two legs, like a baby. Suddenly, the laughing stopped, and I watched as Y/n's side started to bleed and they were only semi-conscious. I ran over, holding my arms out to Toothless. He set them in my arms, and I almost dropped Y/n from shock.
It was almost as if I wasn't holding anything at all. They groaned, turning their face into my chest. My ears went red, and I could see Toothless smirk. "Not the time, Toothless. They're bleeding out." The dragon practically ushered me out of the woods, and I made a mad dash to Gothi's. Oh no. This is my fault. If I hadn't-

When I set Y/n on a bed for treatment, Gothi practically whacked the braincells out of me with her walking stick. She ended up writing on a piece of paper; '
How did they get like this??'
 I shrugged, "One moment they were fine, the next they were sputtering and bleeding. I don't know what happened.

Gothi stripped Y/n of their shirt (basically sitting you up on the bed and taking off your shirt.) (If you are a girl, Hiccup is respectful and doesn't stare). She gasped, and so did I. Y/n's back was littered with scars and deep cuts.
Their stomach looked as if someone had tried to carve out an organ, and their neck was covered in hand-shaped bruises, and it was to be assumed that someone had choked them. No way.

Gothi touched a scar, and even in Y/n's half-unconscious state, they flinched. My eyes made it to Y/n's side, and I realized that it was bandaged and bleeding. Toothless had accidentally reopened the wound. I went to go and get Gothi new bandages, and I ran into my father. "H-hey dad!" I stuttered,
"I'm getting bandages for my friend." My father raised an eyebrow, "What friend?" Harsh. I changed the subject, "Where are you going?" He softened and said, "I'm going to try and find the dragon's nest. Expect my arrival in a week's time."

I nodded and scattered away, bandages in hand. I went back to Gothi, who snatched them up urgently and started wrapping.
I didn't realize till then, but Y/n was bleeding fast, and loosing blood quickly. I was covered in their blood and walked around with it without noticing. That's why I got stopped by my father...

'Anyone I can message for Y/n?' Gothi wrote, and I shrugged, "I don't know their parents, they don't talk much. I don't even know how they got hurt, why are you asking me?" Just then, I felt my brain connect the dots (choke bruises, intentional scars etc), Gothi groaned and shook Y/n slightly.
"Parents?" I asked when they woke up with a jolt, and then started to shake. I had to assure them that they were going to jail for child abuse. That didn't calm Y/n down though. It took me twenty minutes for them to settle down enough to sleep. They sure did put up a fight...

After that, I kissed their forehead (Gothi still there) and walked out to go and meet Toothless. The Nightfury batted his eyes at me, as if to ask me how Y/n was doing. "Better. Apparently, Y/n's getting abused at home, and nobody knew."
Toothless growled at the information I gave, eyes turning into slits. "Me too, bud. Me too." I say sympathetically, patting him on the head. He stood up on two legs and hugged me, gurgling. I guessed this was Toothless' way of saying, 'Sorry. It's not our fault.'

I hugged him back before he led me to a grass patch and twirled in it. I laid down with him, and I watched as he rubbed himself up against the greenery. Then, when I got bored, I used a pocketknife (Toothless had rid his no weapon rule, so I was allowed a carving knife to whittle sticks) to make a reflection onto the flattened grass. Toothless immediately started to perk up, chasing after it.
I smiled. Dragon nip and light reflections. The more you know. When Toothless got bored, he started to scratch under his chin, and because of the good person I am, scratched it for him. I pleasantly fell asleep, shedding scales. Weak point?

I used this in the next few training days, Dragon nip against the Gronkle, and the blue-ish dragon (I wasn't paying attention to what Gobber had called its name) the scratches. The terrible terror almost took Tuffnut's nose off if it wasn't for my reflection from the shield.
It worked, and soon, I was being swarmed every time I sat down in the dining hall. Of course, when I remembered Y/n, I left to go to Gothi's to bring them food. I was always thankful when Gothi didn't let anyone else in. It was annoying to be followed. Not like I should be anyways. I'm just a stupid sack of bones that nobody likes.

Then came the day I was chosen. I almost pissed my pants if it weren't from Y/n in the sidelines, giving me an emotionless thumbs up. My father was so happy. I was so screwed.
Afterwards, Y/n and I left for Toothless, not knowing that Astrid was following until Y/n pointed her out.

We thought we lost her only moments later. We made it to Toothless, and only then did Astrid make herself known. "Ahaha- I make clothes! A-and I use Y/n as a model! They like fashion!" I try to explain, but Astrid squinted, catching the lie. "Wha-"
she started but was interrupted by Toothless nearly dive-bombing her. Astrid pulled me down with her, while Y/n held their hand out to stop Toothless. Wordlessly, Y/n introduced Astrid to Toothless and vice versa, motioning at the two.

Astrid started to run, and I deadpanned, "Da da da, We're dead." Y/n motioned for me to get on Toothless, and so he flew us to stop Astrid.
When Toothless, Astrid and I finished the flight, she did something unexpected. She kissed me. That was when I knew, I that I didn't love her. 

I loved Y/n.

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