☀️1 Date Wukong⭐

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It's been a week and wukong did visit you every day but Not Always Long.

Y/N is in town helping some people because the town was still half destroyed from the fight with DBK. You gave people something to eat and they were happy and thanked you. Y/N rejoiced. She helps for a while until a voice came from behind here. ☀️:"Heya, shooting star~" it was wukong's voice and y/n turns around and sees wukong ⭐:" hi Sun" y/n said happily.

Wukong smiles at her he is wearing pants and a red hoody and the hood was over his head. ☀️:" What are you doing right now?" He goes closer to her. ⭐: "Oh, I only help people here" she lays a bag of food on her side.
☀️:" Do you always have to help people shooting star? Wasn't it enough that you and Mk saved the city" he crosses his arms over his chest. You roll your eyes ⭐:" I like helping so let me wukong, why are you here?" Wukong makes a smug face and puts his hands on his hips ☀️:" I'm here because of you and I wanted to spend the day with you"
You'd get a little red in the face ⭐: "um.. do you mean like a date or just friendly" Wukong grins and comes closer to you, your faces were very close to each other ☀️:" what do you think shooting star~ of course this is going to be a date~ I would never miss the chance to date such a pretty lady~" you'd blush even more but grab wukong's face away with your hand and wukong rolls his eyes but still smiles. You huff to calm yourself ⭐:" Okey okey why not it will be fun" Monkey King smiles wider and takes your hand ☀️:" okey, let's go my shooting star" You nod and walk off.

You walk around town holding hands and talk to each other
☀️: "So where is Mk and the others? You're usually always with them" ⭐:" Oh, Mk and the others are in the harbor with Sandy" wukong nodded slightly ☀️:" Shooting star, why are you even bothering about Mk?" He wonders. ⭐:" To be honest, I don't know either... I feel a bond with him? No love or anything more family reason" you snort slightly. ☀️:"Okey see" he smiles again he loves the feel of your hand there were happy relaxed feelings.

Wukong sees an Ice Cream Cafe shop and leads you inside and takes a seat at a table. ⭐:" So we're going to eat ice cream, huh?" She smiles at wukong. Wukong nodded happily ☀️: "Why not! Peach ice cream always tastes particularly good," he said proudly. Y/n rolled her eyes playfully ⭐:" you and your peaches" The waiter came and asked what you wanted to order. Wukong orders his peach ice cream and y/n orders her (favorite ice cream) You are waiting for your ice cream brook. Until all of a sudden the TV above the cafe counter flashes and shows Redson. Wukong, y/n and everyone else watch TV. Wukong looks bored but y/n looks serious. 🔥:" City Dwellers! It's me Redson! I am in control of the weather station and will use the power of nature to help my father to his former glory!" He said proudly and angry but you have to say Redson really has a beautiful voice. His voice dropped a bit. "That message was a courtesy," he mumbles Y/n snorted annoyed ⭐: "Seriously!?" Wukong shrugs his shoulders slightly, not really caring. Y/n stands up ⭐:" sry Sun but I should go to Mk" wukong widened his eyes and stopped y/n with his monkey tail, it was tied to her waist ☀️:" wait a minute shooting star, it's not your opponent. .I know you want to help Mk and such, but he should be able to do it on his own this time" y/n looks annoyed ⭐:" oh so I should stay out of everything?!" Wukong looks nervous ☀️:" what no, but Mk will never learn anything if you keep taking his fights away from him" You make a pouty mouth and mumble ⭐:" maybe I wouldn't do it if you trained Mk.." wukong takes your hand and gives you a look full of understanding ☀️:" I understand but Mk is indestructible because of his powers, he will be fine trust me" wukong got up and walks over to you and strokes your cheek. Y/n is still pouting and looking away slightly ⭐:" alright" she whispers and looks back at wukong and realizes how close you actually are, so close you could kiss... Y/N blushed slightly in the face and wukong did too. Wukong slowly moves closer to you and looks at your lips...

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