meet a little child

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Y/N woke up and lay in bed. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. You got up and went into the room with the small sofa. There Macaque lay he slept peacefully. Y/N humped and went to Macaque. She kneels down and faces Macaque.

He looks so peaceful, da had to
Y/N smiles a bit and puts her hand to Macaque's cheek and gently strokes it. Macaque started to purr a bit and liked it.

⭐:" He can purr?!..- your eyes sparkled with joy and you keep stroking his cheek tenderly.

Macaque made slight noises and opened his eyes to see Y/N caress his cheek. He jumped up away from Y/N and is a little red in the face but quickly shakes it off. 🌙: "Um.. you're very touchy mhm?~" he teases you with the flirty voice. You blushed and felt nervous. ⭐:" No! There.. There was a spider and I removed it!" You said quickly and crossed your arms.
🌙: "Aha, a spider? Sure," he said in an unbelievable tone but laughed a bit. ⭐:" yes a spider!" You got up and headed to the kitchen and Macaque watches you leave the room, grinning all the while.

Y/N is in the kitchen making breakfast for you and Macaque.
You cooked from your feeling and time passed and its finally is done.

You cooked from your feeling and time passed and its finally is done

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You made this dish 4 times so everyone had 2 pieces.
You didn't know how you knew how to cook at all, but you don't question it anymore.

Macaque smelled the breakfast and went into the kitchen. 🌙:"That smells delicious! I didn't even know you could cook Starlight~" he looked at what you prepared and he had to admit it looks really good too.
⭐: "Yes, I think I'm a really good cook" you made a proud pose. Macaque rolls his eyes but grins nicely and grabs his 2 pieces and eats one.

Macaque eyes sparkled the bread is crunchy the egg yolk melts in his mouth it tasted great. He's quick eat his bread and y/n giggled.
⭐: "You see, I'm a great cook!" Smiles proudly and Macaque eats his second piece and nods.

Time skip after many many hours

Macaque sits in the cockpit and flies the plane. Y/N sits on the couch and looks out the window until she sees a town and runs to Macaque. ⭐:"Macaque! There's a town!" She jumps around like a little kid who is extremely happy. 🌙:"I know Starlight, the city is called Megapolis" he concentrated and landed near the city.

Macaque opens the door to his plane and y/n runs to the door and jumps out. Macaque followed her.
🌙:"Y/N not so fast" ⭐:"sry Macaque, I'm just so glad we're finally here" you can hear the joy in your voice and Macaque chuckles.

You two go to the town and Macaque wore a hood.
You didn't want to ask why he was wearing one so you didnt ask.
But suddenly Macaque stopped and you stopped too and looked at him questioningly.
⭐:" Macaque what's up?"
🌙: "We are parting ways now Starlight I have to do things and keep traveling" he said frustrated, he didn't want to leave y/n alone but he need to. Y/n is disappointed but she knew you couldn't stay together any longer.
⭐:" Yes you are right, but we will remain as friends right?" You had hopes of meeting Macaque again someday. Macaque smiled and nodded. 🌙:"Of course we stay as friends and I'll definitely visit you my Starlight~" He flirts a bit and y/n gets pink cheeks but smiled back. ⭐:" Well I will definitely welcome you with open arms" you were glad to know that Macaque visits you when he is around.
You both say bye and go your separate ways.

Y/N walks down the streets, there are many cars, buses, motorbikes and a lot of nice people walking around. You decided to find a job and an apartment, but you went to so many shops and stores for a job and everyone already had enough worker. Finding a job in Megapolis is really hard.

Y/N paused and sat down on a bench and huffed. Until you feel little arms on your leg. Y/N looked down and it was a little boy, with a red headband and socks on.

 Y/N looked down and it was a little boy, with a red headband and socks on

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( Baby MK Is soo cute🥹🥺❤️

You pick up the little one and y/n realized she was attracted to Mk and Mk could feel it too it was a strange Feeling as they would be Familie. He was comfortable with you. ⭐:" Hey little one where are your parents?" you look worried at the little child. Mk looks around and looks back at you.
⭐:"Sigh.. let's look for your parents k" you said in a calm voice and got up and look for his parents.

Time passed and Mk snuggled up to you and fell asleep. Your heart was pounding fast and you thought it was so cute, that little boy were cuddling back.

You notice a pig across the street who looks like he's desperately looking for someone. Y/n had a little suspicion and went to the pig. ⭐:"Excuse me? Are you looking for a child?"
The pig turns and immediately sees Mk in your arms.
The pig looked angry 🐽:"omg Mk!" He called and snatched Mk out of my arms which of course woke up the child and hugged the child. The pig checked if the kid is ok and turned to me. 🐽:" Thanks for finding him!" He thanked you
⭐:"No reason to thx me but can I ask why the child could run away at all?" You asked the pig and were a little worried about the kid.

🐽:" I run a restaurant and left Mk alone to work, it honestly happens more often.." He rubbed the back of his head.
⭐:" Oh.. what about his mother? Can't she watch while you're working?" Ask for more.
🐽: "The child has no mother or father, I've been taking him in for a few weeks" he said a little sadly.
You felt sad too. The child had no parents
⭐:" I'm sorry to hear that.. poor boy" you pet Mk's head and Mk looks happy and reassuring as you do pet his head.
The pig looks surprised when he sees Mk cautiously facing you and got an idea. 🐽:"Um miss, can I ask you something?" look at you.
⭐: "Yes of course" wait for his question. 🐽: "Could you look after mk? When I can't, like as a nanny or something?" He is waiting for an answer and didn't take long to answer. ⭐:"Omg yeah I would love to take care of Mk" y/n smiles at the pig and the pig smiles back. 🐽:" Awesome! I'm pigsy! And you?"
⭐:" Y/N it's a pleasure to meet you both"

The three of you go to the pigsy restaurant and discuss the little things, you can live at the restaurant above because pigsy has 3 small apartments and one stays free and you take care of mk.

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