Reece must have screen recorded this when Grey was updating their leader. So appreciative of his efforts, I thanked him tremendously hoping that he wouldn't get in trouble for this.

I repeatedly played the video, the sound of his voice lifting my spirits a bit that I eventually got up to get ready as I hummed softly.

Leila found me in that same spirit and I could see the confusion on her face as she repeatedly peeked at me through the mirror.

"What got you so happy?" Leila asked as she came to help me put on my earrings after struggling for a minute.

"New friend," I smiled through the mirror, loving how their pearly colour matched my dress. Leila looked at me disbelievingly as she took her phone out.

We posed in front of the mirror as she snapped pictures of ourselves. I found myself laughing when she put on a funny filter that made me look bearded.

I made Leila some coffee while she helped tidy up my room. After chatting for half an hour, Clarissa texted me to share our meet up point.

It was at a cafe nearby that had recently opened and I'd been looking forward to visiting. Leila drove us there and I was surprised to find the place already flocked.

Most people were however couples and I tried to suppress the numbness of my heart as I pressed on Leila's hand as she manoeuvred the crowd.

Funny thing is how I could easily get lost when I was left to walk alone.

I was one to get distracted easily thus someone had to hold my hand, otherwise they'd spend another one hour looking for me after realizing I wasn't beside them anymore.

"She must be over there," Leila turned my attention to the tables on our left and I tried to catch a red head. My eyes squinted around until they rested on a familiar face.

So excited, I nudged Leila's arm to get us moving. A smile formed on my face, a genuine one, as I approached Clarissa who returned the gesture as she placed her phone on the table.

"Hello Elle," she stood up when I got to her and moved her arms to my side for a hug. Glad that she had initiated the contact, I wrapped my arms around her.

"You're okay?" I pulled back when she asked and I nodded once with a smile. She patted my lower back in a comforting manner, her shoulders at level with my head.

"Your dress is pretty," I said to Clarissa and I couldn't also help but tell her of how pretty she was. She smiled again before turning to look beside me.

"This is my best friend Leila," I quickly introduced them and they exchanged a brief smile together with an handshake.

"I feel like I've seen you before," Clarissa looked at Leila, her head tilted to the side as if she was trying to remember something.

"I'm a journalist at-" Leila paused when Clarissa flicked her fingers and gave me a knowing smile, one I didn't understand.

"Louis Harrison," my eyes widened and when Leila turned to me, I laughed. Her relationship with him must have spread far beyond what she thought.

"You two must have something going on," we sat round the table and as Leila settled beside me, I spotted a ring on her middle finger. Louis must have been asked the question.

I would wring her hair later for not telling me before.

"We're about to get engaged," Leila tried to hide the blush on her face while she pretended to search her purse and I snickered as I nudged her side.

I listened as she told us of how Louis had asked her, they'd been on a cruise ship during one of their numerous dates when she was proposed to.

Leila was so excited and that made me happy for her. She had a man who looked out for her and did countless things for her. I was really happy for her.

Always, Tulipحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن