Chapter 1301 - 1320

Start from the beginning

"Mm, it is actually heavy." Huang Ying Ying said.

Sima Liu Yun and the rest nodded too.

"I feel fine, there's not much sensation." Little Helper said as he lifted his legs effortlessly.

"I think it's fine too." Sima You Yue took two steps. Although it was heavier than usual, it wasn't a problem to her.

"You both looked more relaxed than us." Sima Liu Feng continued, "Could this be based on power? The stronger the power, the stronger the gravity is."

"Maybe." Huang Ying Ying continued, "I can obviously feel it, it's difficult to even lift my legs up."

"Me too." Sima Xiu Qi said.

"Aiya, why don't I feel anything. What about Third Mo?" Di Wu asked.

"Both my legs felt like they're filled with lead." Third Mo said.

"It seems like the gravity's effect is less on You Yue, Di Wu and Little Helper."

Sima Xiu Qi tried to walk a few meters. It usually took a few seconds, but it took him a few minutes this time.

"We can't go on like this, I'm afraid we might not get out of this place even after a few months. We got to think of something, see if we can lessen the effect of gravity." Huang Ying Ying said.

"I do have an idea." Sima You Yue continued, "Since me, Little Helper and Di Wu are not affected, we'll walk outside, you guys can come into Little Realm."

"Little Realm? Whose Little Realm?" Huang Ying Ying asked.

"Mine." Sima You Yue took out Little Door, opening the door of Little Realm, "You guys go in first and come out after this section."

As a member of the inner region's force, Sima Xiu Qi and Huang Ying Ying weren't surprised to see Little Realm, but they were shocked by her Little Realm. She never relied on her clan at all.

"How about it?" Sima You Yue looked at everyone.

"It's a good idea." Sima Liu Yun continued, "But if we come out only when there's danger, wouldn't it be too slow?"

After all, he was worried about their safety.

"Don't worry. Little Realm opens up fast, there won't be a problem if you guys come out." Sima You Yue said.

"We can only do this for now."

Everyone went into Little Realm except for Sima You Yue, Little Helper and Di Wu.

Sima You Yue kept the Little Realm and said. "It's only three of us now, let's go."

"There won't be any danger, it will only take up some time and energy." Little Helper said.

With this, Sima You Yue and Di Wu continued walking at ease.

Just like what Little Helper said, they didn't get into any danger the whole time. It was just that they couldn't fly. They could only walk and, with the effect of gravity, they had a hard time walking this path.

On the way, they saw quite a few skeletons. There were humans and spirit beasts ones, and there were more spirit beast's compared to human beings.

Most of the spirit beasts came here by mistake, and they could only walk forward as they couldn't go back. As they couldn't resist the effect of gravity, they stayed here forever.

This journey seemed like travelling over water and land. After two months, they finally walked out of the area of gravity.

They went through a mountain, and there was still the effect of gravity on the mountain, but on the other side, the effect of gravity immediately disappeared.

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